Keyword | Navadhaanya |
Type | B.P. |
Etymology/ Definition | नवधान्य – नवमिति वर्षं यावत् । सु. सू. ४६/५१ डल्हण |
Reference | A.H.Su.6/25,S.Su.46/51 D`alhan`a, A.H.Su.29/ 39 |
Implied Meaning | Food grains within one year of harvesting are called Navadhaanya . |
Elaboration | Fresh grains ( just harvested ) are Abhishyandi ( cause excess exudation from tissue pores and block them by it ). Vaagbhat`a advises to avoid fresh grains in those individuals who are suffering from various ulcers as they aggravate three Dosha and cause excessive production of liquid waste ( Kleda ), which delays healing of ulcers. Food grains after one year and before two years of harvesting are called Puraan`a Dhaanya. Beyond two years grains loose their potency and are devoid of essence. Hence they should not be used. |
Synonyms | Nootana Dhaanya |
Antonym | Puraan`a Dhaanya |
Last updated on June 15th, 2021 at 10:42 am