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Etymology/ Definitionयस्मान्नानारसवीर्यादिभ्य: पुष्पेभ्य: उत्पन्नं तन्मधु । च. सू. २७/२४९ चक्रपाणि
ReferenceC.Su.27/249 Chakrapaan`i, S.Su.45/137, A.H.Su.5/51
Literary MeaningM / W – honey ( possesses intoxicating qualities and is of 8 kinds )
Implied MeaningA substance obtained by bees from flowers of different Rasa ( taste ), and Veerya ( potency ) is known as Madhu.
ElaborationAs per the method of collection Charaka classifies Madhu into four types:1. Maakshika – Honey collected by reddish variety of honeybees
2. Bhraamara – Honey collected by Bhramara type of bees
3. Kshaudra – Honey collected by small type of bees
4. Pauttikam – Honey collected by Pauttika type of bees.
Of these Maakshika is the best, and Bhraamara is especially heavy. Maakshika type of honey is of the colour of Tila oil. Pauttikam is of the colour of the Ghee Kshaudra is brown in colour and Bhraamara is of white colour.
Honey in general is the aggravator of Vaata , heavy, cold in potency and alleviator of Rakta . It promotes healing and depletion of Kapha and Meda .
It should be consumed in small quantity because it is heavy, non – unctuous, astringent in taste and cold in potency. Honey is the best Yogavaahi substance.
SynonymsMaakshika, Kshaudra

Last updated on June 15th, 2021 at 04:48 am

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