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Etymology/ Definitionवन्हौ तु क्वथितं द्रव्य श्रृतमाहुः चिकित्सका:। च.सू.४/७
ReferenceC.Su.4/7, Sh.S.M.2/1
Literary MeaningM / W – a decoction, any solution or infusion prepared with a continued or gentle heat, the mixture for a decoction
Implied MeaningMedicine prepared by boiling a drug using fire is called S`hrita.
ElaborationIt is one of the five basic preparations of medicine. S`haarangadhara used Kvaatha as synonym for S`hrita .
Illustration about Kvaatha S`hrita ) is as follows:
One Pala of Dravya is mixed with sixteen Pala of water ( sixteen times of Dravya ). The whole mixture is boiled over mild heat, till it reduces to one eight part. After filtering it the resultant liquid is called Kvaatha ( decoction ). Generally decoction should be prepared by using more than one substance. As per the form of the substance ( i. e. hard, medium or soft ) proportion of the substance and water varies.
Type of SubstanceProportion of substanceWaterSoft (Mridu)1 part4 partsMedium1 part8 partsHard1 part16 parts
As per S`haarangadhara there are seven types of decoctions:
1. Paachana 2. Deepana 3. S`hodhana 4. S`hamana 5. Tarpan`a 6. Kledana 7. S`hoshan`a I
Some important tips about the preparation of decoction:
1. Decoction must be prepared over mild heat otherwise strong heat may destroy the potency of the decoction.
2. While preparing decoction, the container should not be covered with a lid as it increases the heavy attribute of the decoction.
3. Decoction must always be used fresh. Boiling it again or a stale decoction has toxic effects on the body.
4. In general, a dose of the decoction of two Pala ( 80 ml ) is advised but it may change as per the disease and the strength of the patient and that of the disease.
e. g. Naagaraadi decoction is used in various conditions of fever.
SynonymsKvaatha Kaad`haa Kashaaya Niryooha
Contemporary ColloquialDecoction
Link to EncyclopaediaRefer to Kalpa

Last updated on June 16th, 2021 at 11:42 am

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