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Etymology/ Definitionप्रभूतक्रिम्यादिकारणत्वात् प्रभूतक्रिम्यादिकरो गुड उच्यते । च.सू २७/२३८ चक्रपाणि
ReferenceC.Su.27 /238 Chakrapaan`i, A.H.Su.5/47, S.Su.45/160
Literary MeaningM / W – first thickening of the juice of the sugarcane by boiling, jaggery
Implied MeaningIt has excessive ability to produce worms, hence it is called Gud`a .
ElaborationIt causes increased worm manifestation. It also increases the quantity of marrow, blood, fat and flesh. Before its formation as Gud`a , the sugarcane juice undergoes four stages viz. Ardhaavasaadhita ( when only ½ of the juice remains during the process of boiling ), Tribhaagaavasaadhita ( when 1 / 3 of the juice remains during the process of boiling ), Chaturbhaagaavasaadhita ( when ¼ of the juice remains during the process of boiling ) and Kshudra Gud`a or Phaan`eeta ( inspissated juice ). The juice undergoing transformation through all these four stages progressively becomes heavier i. e. Phaan`eeta is the heaviest. Dhauta is that variety of Gud`a , which is cleaned and contains least amount of impurity and as such does not increase worms very highly.

Last updated on June 14th, 2021 at 06:10 am

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