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Vaata Dosha

KeywordVaata Dosha
Etymology/ Definition तत्र वा गतिगन्धनयोरिति धातु: । सु. सू. २१।५ गतिगन्धोपादानार्थस्य वा धातोरसृग्दरादिभ्य इत्यादि सूत्रोत्पन्ने तन्‌ प्रत्यये वात इति रूपम्‌ । सु. सू. २१/५ डल्हण
ReferenceC.Su.12/4,S.Su.21/5, S.Ni.1/7,8, A.H.Su.1/10
Literary MeaningM / W – Air, wind, The word Vaata is derived from the verb “ Vaa ”, which suggests movement or Gandha ( odour, smell ).
Implied MeaningIt is the biological entity, which controls all activities of the body. It is derived from combination of space ( Aakaas`ha Mahaabhoota ) and wind ( Vaayu Mahaabhoota ).
ElaborationVaayu is the first of the three Dosha in the Body. Vaata molecules are light, minute, clear, rough, and dry. They are always mobile and move in all directions. Vaata has a bitter taste. Its presence can be assessed by its actions on the body. It is the key Dosha among the three Dosha as it controls the movement and action of Kapha, Pitta , all the body tissues and the waste products. It is responsible for origin, sustenance and destruction of life.
It is the controller of mind and mental processes. It facilitates the normal function of intellect ( Buddhi ).
Though Vaata permeates the whole body its main sites are colon, rectum, bladder, pelvis, lower limbs, bones, and skin.
According to the sites ( Sthaana ) and functions the subtypes of Vaata are Praan`a Udaana Vyaana Samaana , and Apaana .
SynonymsMaaruta Chala Anila Sameeran`a Marut Pavana Prabhanjana . / Yama, Niyantaa, Aditi, Vishvakarmaa, Vidhaataa, Vibhu, Vishn`u ( C. Su. 12 / 8 )

Last updated on June 18th, 2021 at 09:43 am

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