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TypeD. G.
Etymology/ Definitionदृढने कठिन:। अ.हृ.सू १/१८ हेमाद्रि
ReferenceA.H.Su.1/18 Hemaadri
Literary MeaningM / W – hard , firm , stiff
Implied MeaningIt is one of the twenty attributes. It implies hardness. Presence of this attribute brings about hardness, firmness and steadiness in the constituents of the body.
ElaborationThis attribute aggravates Vaata Vaata Vardhaka ). This has dominance of Prithvee Mahaabhoota . It strengthens Dhaatu by reducing the water content of Mala , makes the faeces very hard and hardens the edges of wounds. This attribute mainly resides in Asthi Dhaatu ( bones ), which contribute in forming the body frame.

Last updated on June 14th, 2021 at 09:23 am

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