Keyword | S`hamana |
Type | C. |
Etymology/ Definition | न शोधयति यद्दोषान् समान्नोदीरयत्यपि । समीकरोति विषमान् शमनं तच्च सप्तधा । अ.हृ.सू.१४।६ |
Reference | A.H.Su.14/6-7 |
Literary Meaning | M / W – allaying , pacification |
Implied Meaning | S`hamana is the palliative treatment, which does not expel the aggravated Dosha but pacifies them and does not excite the normal Dosha . |
Elaboration | S`hamana is of seven types: 1. Paachana – converting the Aama ( undigested food ) 2. Deepana – improving the digestive capacity 3. Kshut Nigraha – to restrict food intake, fasting 4. Trit` Nigraha – to restrict water intake 5 . Vyaayaama – physical exercise Aatapa Sevaa – sun bath Maaruta Sevaa – exposure to free air Also Praan`aayaama according to some. |
Synonyms | Pras`hamana |
Antonym | S`hodhana |
Last updated on June 16th, 2021 at 10:54 am