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Etymology/ Definitionवाय्वम्बुतेजसा रक्तमूष्मणा चाभिसंयुतम् /स्थिरतां प्राप्य मांसं स्यात् स्वोष्मणा पक्वमेव तत् / च.चि.१५/२९
ReferenceC.Chi.15/29, C.Su.28/13, S.Su.14/10, A.H.Su.11/18,
Literary MeaningThe muscular tissue
Implied MeaningThe muscular tissue of the body situated below the skin , which covers the bones and all organs .
ElaborationMaamsa is unctuous , stable , solid , smooth , fibrous , tender and yet firm and cold . It is nourished by Rakta Dhaatu ( Kedaarakulyaa Nyaaya ). It is brownish in colour .
Its main function is to provide the outer boundary and protective layer to all the organs , impart contractility to them and maintain their shape .
There are twelve types of muscles described by Sus ` hruta .
From Maamsadharaa Kalaa ( muscle supporting membrane ) arise Vasaa and the sixth innermost layer of skin . These two are the subtypes of Maamsa ( Upadhaatu _ s ).
Maamsadusht ` i ( vitiation of Maamsa ) gives rise to diseases like Hypertrophy , Hyperplasia of muscle , and heaviness in the body , tumours swelling in the neck ( Galas ` haalooka , Galas ` hun ` d ` ikaa ).
SynonymsPis ` hitam , Palalam , Kravyam , Aamisham

Contemporary ColloquialMuscle tissue , fascia

Last updated on June 15th, 2021 at 04:14 am

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