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Etymology/ Definitionशुक्रशोणितजीवसंयोगे तु खलु कुक्षिगते गर्भसंज्ञा भवति । च.शा. ४।५
ReferenceC.Sha.4/5, S.Sha.5/3
Literary MeaningFoetus, embryo
Implied MeaningUnion of sperm, ovum and the Soul with mind in the womb is termed as Garbha ( embryo ).
ElaborationEmbryo formed out of combination of six factors i. e. parents ( mother / father ), Soul, homologation, Saatmya Rasa ( digestive essence of mother’s food ) and mind. It is formed by five Mahaabhoota viz. Aakaas`ha Vaayu ( wind ), Agni ( fire ), Jala ( water ) and Prithvee ( earth ). These Bhautika elements act in different modes i. e. Vaayu with division, Agni with transformation, Jala with moistening, and Prithvee with consolidation, and Aakaas`ha with growth.
Foetus lies in mother’s womb in the state of universal flexion facing mothers back ( Aabhugno Abhimukha ). At the time of delivery it presents itself to vagina with head. A female with foetus is termed as Garbhin`ee ( Pregnant woman ). The woman who has just conceived shows peculiar features like fatigue, malaise, thirst, weakness in lower limbs, vomiting without apparent cause, agitation from fragrance etc.
Contemporary ColloquialFoetus

Last updated on June 14th, 2021 at 05:49 am

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