Keyword | Naanaatmaja Vikaara |
Type | N. |
Etymology/ Definition | नानात्मजा इति ये वातादिभिर्दोषान्तरासंपृक्तै: जन्यन्ते । च.सू.२०।११ चक्रपाणि |
Reference | C.Su.20/10 Chakrapaan`i |
Implied Meaning | These are diseases developed from vitiation of a single Dosha ( i. e. Vaata , Pitta , Kapha ) |
Elaboration | Charaka describes Naanaatmaja diseases as:DoshaNaanaatmaja VikaaraExampleVaata80Paadas`hoola (Leg pain)Pitta40Vidaaha (Burning sensation)Kapha20Aalasya (Laziness)Treatment of Naanaatmaja Vikaara depends on the related Dosha . |
Antonym | Saamaanyaja Vikaara |
Last updated on June 15th, 2021 at 10:26 am