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Etymology/ Definitionतुण्डेन आहृत्य शाल्यादेः भक्षणाद् प्रतुदाः । अ. हृ. सू. ६/४६ अरुणदत्त प्रतुद्य भक्षयन्ति इति प्रतुदाः । अ. हृ. सू. ६/४६ हेमाद्रिः
Literary MeaningM / W – peckers ( a kind of bird )
Implied MeaningThis is a group of animals, which eat the cereals by their beak or sharp teeth.
ElaborationPratuda means group of animals, which eat the cereals by their beak or sharp teeth. Attributes of meat of such animals is mentioned under Pratuda Varga . E. g. Jeevanjeevaka, Daatyooha, Bhringaahva, S`huka ( parrot ) etc.

Last updated on June 16th, 2021 at 07:03 am

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