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Etymology/ Definitionकल्कद्रव्यपलं शुण्ठी पिप्पली चार्धकार्षिकी। वारिप्रस्थेन विपचेत्स द्रवो यूष उच्यते॥ शा.सं. म. २/१५६
ReferenceC.Su.27/262, S.Su.46/379, Sh.S.M.2/156
Literary MeaningM / W – soup, broth, water in which pulse of various kinds has been boiled.
Implied MeaningIt is the soup of various pulses or rice.
ElaborationYoosha is generally prepared from cereals, rice. In this preparation Dravya is one Pala in case it is not Teekshn`a Dravya ( intense or strong spicy substance ), and it is Ardha Karsha in case it is Teekshn`a Dravya like Trikat`u ( ginger, black pepper and long piper ). This is further cooked in water ( 2 Prashtha ) till half of the quantity of water is retained.
As par Bhaavaprakaas`ha Nighan`t`u , the preparation is as follows:
Grains one part ( mainly cereals ) mixed with 18 parts of water cooked up to an extent to make it slightly thick.
It is the potage of different types depending upon the ingredients and method of preparation. E. g. Akrita Yoosha ( prepared without using substances like ginger, black piper ), Krita Yoosha ( prepared by using substances like ginger, black piper etc .), Tanu Maamsarasa ( thin, clear soup as the amount of meat is very small ), Samskaarita Maamsarasa ( processed soup prepared with plenty of meat and fat ), Aamla soup ( which is sour in taste ), Anaamla soup ( which is not sour in taste ).
These are gradually heavier to digest from Akrita Yoosha to Anaamla Soup ( C. Su 27 / 262 ).
Contemporary ColloquialSoup, bouillon

Last updated on June 18th, 2021 at 12:00 pm

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