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Etymology/ Definitionद्रव्यस्य बृंहणे शक्ति: गुरु:। अ.हृ.सू.१/१८ हेमाद्रि
ReferenceS.Su.46/517,S.Su.45/157 D`alhan`a, A.H.Su.1/18 Hemaadri
Literary MeaningM / W – heavy, weighty, heavy in the stomach ( food ), difficult to digest, great, large
Implied MeaningGuru is one of the twenty attributes. It is a relative term. In the external environment it indicates heaviness, gravity of the substance. In relation with the internal environment it indicates time taken for its digestion and its capacity to put on weight and to cause occlusion in various spaces or channels.
ElaborationThese substances create heaviness in body and reduce the digestive capacity and lead to generation of Aama . It is principally found in Aapa and Prithvee Mahaabhoota . This property has natural downward movement. It reduces Vaata and increases Kapha . Generally it is nutritive as it increases all Dhaatu . It produces heaviness in Malaayatana and Srotas , produces lassitude and laxity. The Dravya having Madhura Rasa ( sweet in taste are the heaviest amongst all the tastes. Excessive consumption of these substances leads to develop Agnisaada ( diminished digestive power ), inhibition of digestive capacity. They are capable of forming a layer from within the organs, vessels ( Upalepa ).
Prolonged use of such substances leads to weight gain and increased body mass ( Brihatvakrit ). Their action is best seen in the denser and heavy Dhaatu like Maamsa, Meda, S`hukra and Majjaa .
In some conditions, guru attribute has pathological significance. E. g. Saama Pitta .
Contemporary ColloquialHeavy

Last updated on June 14th, 2021 at 06:11 am

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