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Etymology/ Definitionमन्यते अवबुध्यते ज्ञायते अनेन इति मन:।
मनः संकल्पात्मकलक्षणम् । सु. शा. १।१७ डल्हण
सुखादि उपलब्धि साधनम् इन्द्रियम् मन:। तर्कसंग्रह
ReferenceC.Sha.1/18, C.Vi.8/119, C.Su.8/4
Literary MeaningM / W – mind ( in its widest sense as applied to all the mental powers )
Implied MeaningIt is one of the nine causal substances ( Kaaran`a Dravya ). One’s capacity to comprehend depends on an entity called Manas . Its presence makes one comprehend and its absence at times leads to failure to comprehend. This is the sign of mind. It is distinct from other sense organs, as they cannot perceive their stimulus in the absence of mind.
ElaborationAtomicity and uniqueness are considered to be two characteristics of mind. It is eternal ( Nitya ) and distinct from both the soul and the body.  
Charakaachaarya describes various functions of mind:
Chintya – weighing pros and cons, decision making
Vichaarya – deliberations, discussions
Uhya – considering possibilities of the action to be taken
Dhyeya – concentration on a subject
Sankalpya – determination
Objects are perceived with the help of sense organs together with mind. In conjunction with the external senses, mind produces knowledge of external objects.
Raja and Taamas are considered as two Dosha of mind.
SynonymsSattva, Chetas

Last updated on June 15th, 2021 at 06:37 am

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