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Etymology/ Definitionओजः सर्वधातुसारभूतं हृदिस्थितम् । च.सू.१३।७१ चक्रपाणि
ओजस्तु तेजो धातूनां शुक्रान्तानां परं स्मृतम्।
हृदयस्थमपि व्यापि देहस्थितिनिबन्धनम्। अ.हृ.सू.११ ३७
ReferenceC.Su.13/71 Chakrapaan`i,C.Chi.15/3,S.Su.15/25, A.H.Su.11/63, A.H.Sha.3/80, A.H.Sha.3/51 Arun`adatta
Literary MeaningM / W – Energy fluid
Implied MeaningThe word Ojas means shining, bright or full of lustre. It represents the essence of all the previous seven Dhaatu from Rasa to S`hukra .
ElaborationIn the chain of tissue generation every tissue gives the best ( the essence ) to the formation of a substance called Ojas . Thus it has contributions from all the seven tissues. It is spread over and circulates all over the body through the medium of Rasa . Thus its main harbour is the heart.
It is of two types viz. Para and Apara. The first is formed in the intrauterine life at the time of conception itself while the second is a result of tissue metabolism as seen before.
Ojas measures half Anjalee ( i. e. half the quantity that can be held when the hands are joined together ).
It is white with yellowish and reddish tinge.
Physical and mental strain, hunger and emaciation lead to disorders of Ojas Ojas Visramnsa Ojas Vyaapad and Ojas Kshaya ). Depending upon its degree of vitiation ( Ojas Dushti ) the symptoms differ as follows:
Ojas – Visramnsa ( pain, loss of lustre )
Ojas – Vyaapad ( Emaciation )
Ojas – Kshaya ( weakness, exhaustion, oedema )
Contemporary ColloquialEssence
AntonymNeerojas, Hataujas

Last updated on June 15th, 2021 at 11:27 am

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