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Etymology/ Definitionस्थानान्यामाग्निपक्वानां मूत्रस्य रुधिरस्य च। हृदुण्डुक: फुफ्फुसश्च कोष्ठ इत्यभिधीयते।
ReferenceS.Chi.2/12,S.Sha.4/16 D`alhan`a, S.U.42/80, A.H.Su.1/9
Literary MeaningM / W – any one of the viscera of the body ( particularly the stomach, abdomen )
Implied Meaning1. It represents abdominal viscera.
2. It is the nature of bowels. E. g. Kroora Kosht`ha Madhya and Mridu Kosht`ha .
Elaboration1. It includes fifteen important organs viz. heart, spleen, Kloma , liver, kidneys, urinary bladder, stomach, rectum, umbilicus, Pureeshaadhaara Uttara Guda ( upper part of anal canal ), Adhara Guda ( lower part of anal canal ), small intestine, large intestine, and Vapaavahana ( omentum ). All these are called Kosht`haanga ( parts of abdominal viscera ).
2. Due to predominance of Vaata , the bowel movement is slow ( arrested ). This is Kroora Kosht`ha ( stool is hard and is evacuated with great difficulty ).
Due to predominance of Pitta the bowel is soft. This is Mridu Kosht`ha ( ill formed faces eliminated more than once a day ).
Due to predominance of the Kapha the bowel habit is moderate. This is Madhya Kosht`ha ( in which the faces are neither hard, solid nor liquid ).
Contemporary ColloquialBowel habits,

Last updated on June 14th, 2021 at 10:47 am

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