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Etymology/ Definitionदोषस्थानान्येतत्स्थाने तेषां स्थानानीति केचित् पठन्ति । वातस्य नाभिमध्यहृदयकण्ठ सर्वाङ्ग सन्थयोऽपि,
पक्वामाशयोर्मध्यं पित्तस्थानं वक्ष्यति: आमाशय: श्लेष्मण इति । सु. सू. २१/६ डल्हण
ReferenceA.H.Su.1/7, A.H.Su.12/1,S.Su.21/6
Literary MeaningSeat / place of Dosha
Implied MeaningThese are the seats of Tridosha Vaata Pitta Kapha ), where predominantly each Dosha resides individually.
ElaborationVaagbhat`a describes specific seat for each Dosha . Each Dosha has separate Prabhava ( site of origin ) and Sanchaara Sthaana ( site of action ).
Vaata resides in Kat`i ( pelvis ), Sakthi ( thighs ), Spars`hanendriya ( skin ) but it mainly resides in Pakvaas`haya ( large intestine ).
Seats of Pitta Dosha – Umbilicus, sweat, Laseekaa ( lymph ), Rakta ( blood ) and eyes.
Special seat of Pitta – Naabhi ( umbilicus )
Seats of Kapha Dosha – Ura ( chest ), throat, head, Kloma , joints, stomach, Rasa Dhaatu Meda Dhaatu , tongue
Special seat of Kapha – Chest

Last updated on June 14th, 2021 at 05:09 am

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