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Etymology/ Definitionऔषधं औषधसिद्धो वा स्नेहं नासिकाभ्यां दीयते इति नस्यम् । अ.हृ.सू. २०।१
ReferenceA.H.Su.20/2, C.Si.9/88,89, S.Chi.40/21
Literary MeaningM / W – an errhine
Implied MeaningNasal administration of a drug ( in the form of medicated oil or drug powder or extracted juice of plant ) is called Nasya. Since nose is the only sense organ that is in direct contact with the Mastishka, the highest seat of all the sense organs, any medication when administered by this root reaches it readily and exhibits its action very fast. It acts effectively on physical as well as psychological disorders.
ElaborationThis is one of the five basic procedures of Ayurveda . It is used for S`hodhana ( elimination ) or S`hamana ( pacification ) of Dosha depending upon the disease.
As per Charaka main types of Nasya are:
1. Naavana – unctuous substance or oil administered through nasal root
2. Avapid`a – nasal administration of medicine, containing extraction of herbal paste
3. Dhmaapana – blowing of a dry powder of medicine into the nose for evacuation of Dosha in head, also called Pradhamana Nasya
4. Dhooma – It is given with smoke of various substances. It is mainly indicated in the pacification of Kapha and Vaata . E. g. Vid`anga Dhooma Nasya is advised after emesis for the alleviation of residual Kapha and aggravated Vaata .
5. Pratimars`ha – It is performed by dipping the clean little finger in the Ghee or oil, and inserting it into each nostril, lubricating the nasal passage with gentle massage. This helps to open deep tissues and can be done every day and at any time to release stresses.
Types of Nasya described by other Aachaarya are Mars ha S`hirovirechana
SynonymsNaavana, S`hirovirechana, Nasta, Prachchhardana, Nasta karma
Contemporary ColloquialNasal Drops, spray, inhalation

Last updated on June 15th, 2021 at 10:36 am

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