Keyword | Vaarun`ee |
Type | R.B. |
Etymology/ Definition | वारुणी श्वेतसुरा । सा च श्वेतपुनर्नवादिमूलयुक्तेन शालिपिष्टेन क्रियते । सु.सू.४५/१७६ डल्हण |
Reference | S.Su.45/176 D`alhan`a |
Literary Meaning | M / W – kind of spirit ( prepared from hogweed mixed with the juice of date or palm and distilled ), any spirituous liquor |
Implied Meaning | It is a type of wine made from fine powder of rice and root of Boerhaavia verticilita ( Punarnavaa ). |
Elaboration | As per S`haarangadhara the preparation method is as follow: The intoxicating product prepared with juice of date, palm etc. followed by fermentation method is also called Vaarun`ee . The intoxicating product prepared similarly with cooked cereals is Suraa . Habitual consumption of Vaarun`ee prevents Raajayakshmaa ( C. Chi. 8 / 164 ). |
Synonyms | Prasannaa ( Arun`adatta ) |
Last updated on June 18th, 2021 at 09:40 am