Keyword | Nidaana Panchaka |
Type | N. |
Etymology/ Definition | निदानं पूर्वरूपाणि रूपाण्युपशयस्तथा । संप्राप्तिश्चति विज्ञानं रोगाणां पञ्चधा स्मृतम् ॥अ.हृ.नि.१/२ |
Reference | A.H.Ni.1/2, M.Ni.1/1 Madhukosha |
Literary Meaning | Five tools for diagnosing a disease |
Implied Meaning | Nidaana ( etiological factors ), Poorva Roopa ( symptoms of forthcoming disease ), Roopa ( symptoms ), Upas ` haya ( disease pacifier ), and Sampraapti ( pathogenesis ) are the five tools to diagnose a disease. |
Elaboration | 1 ) Nidaana – These are initiators of a disease. Actual disease development process starts afterwards i. e. Hetu Sevana. 2 ) Poorva Roopa – These are symptoms or indications of the forthcoming disease. 3 ) Roopa – This is a group of signs and symptoms, which develops after occurrence pathogenesis of disease. 4 ) Upas ` haya – These are specific factors, which pacify the symptoms of a disease. Counterpart of it is called as Anupas`haya . 5 ) Sampraapti – The process of pathogenesis from Hetu Sevana till the manifestation of the disease is called Sampraapti. |
Contemporary Colloquial | Five tools for diagnosis |
Last updated on June 15th, 2021 at 11:06 am