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Etymology/ Definitionमलिनीकरणात् मलः। च.सू.२४।२५ चक्रपाणि मूत्रशकृदादयो मला उच्यन्ते। अ.हृ.सू.१/१३ अरुणदत्त
ReferenceC.Su.24/25 Chakrapaan`i, C.Sha.6/17, C.Chi.15/16, C.Su.17/116, S.Su.14/10 D`alhan`a, A.H.Su.1/13
Literary MeaningM / W – any bodily excretion or secretion ( esp. those of the Dhaatu , described as phlegm from chyle , bile from the blood , nose mucus and ear wax from the flesh , perspiration from the fat , nails and hair from the bones ), Waste products.
Implied MeaningThe reason for their nomenclature as Mala ( waste products ) is their capacity to contaminate the body constituents.
ElaborationThe waste products are the residue of food after it is digested. They have less nutritive value. Similarly at the level of tissue metabolism there are tissue specific waste products called Dhaatu Mala. The main residue in the alimentary canal is the solid waste like the faeces, the fluid waste urine and the waste secreted from skin sweat. Though they are waste products they still perform certain important functions till they are expelled. Stool controls the Vaata and Agni activity, imparts strength to body. Urine in combination with Rasa and sweat maintain the fluid balance.
The individual tissue waste is listed below:

Dhaatu(Bodyconstituents)Dhaatu Mala(Related waste products)RasaKaphaRaktaPittaMaamsaKhamala (secretions from the external orifices e.g. eyes, ears, genitalia etc.)MedaSveda (Sweat)AsthiKes`ha(Hair), Nakha(Nails)MajjaaOiliness of skin, eyes and the stoolS`hukraOjas
SynonymsKit`t`a, Vit `, Kaalushya
Contemporary ColloquialWaste product

Last updated on June 15th, 2021 at 06:21 am

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