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Etymology/ Definitionपरीक्ष्यते व्यवस्थाप्यते वस्तुस्वरूपमनयेति परीक्षा प्रमाणानि । च.सू.११।१७ चक्रपाणि द्विविधा तु खलु परीक्षा ज्ञानवताम् – प्रत्यक्षम् अनुमानं च। च.वि.८/८३
ReferenceC.Vi.8/83,C.Su.11/17 Chakrapaan`i
Literary MeaningM / W – examination , test
Examination, evaluation, assessment
Implied MeaningIt is a process of evaluation of a substance or its attribute and functions or a disease for its causes, genesis, presentation, complications etc.
ElaborationAny knowledge should not be considered as complete or faultless unless it is thoroughly examined by using various tools of perception.
As per Charaka , three types of examinations are mentioned: Direct perception ( Pratyaksha ), inferential ( Anumaana ), and Aaptopades`ha ( instructions by authority ). Upamaana and Yukti are two other tools, which are implicit in the inferential type.
The sense organs are the instruments of direct perception. They are the most widely used of all the tools. The sense organs are the most common instruments of acquiring knowledge about diseases. Examining a patient ( indirectly a disease ) as per the parameters like colour, touch, smell and sound, is helpful to define the gradation about the severity of disease.
Inferential knowledge ( Anumaana ) is achieved by inductive or deductive logical process. One can judge Agni ( digestive capacity ) by knowing about how much an individual can digest. Physical strength is inferred from the individual’s capacity to perform physical exercise.
Contemporary ColloquialMethods of evaluation, assessment

Last updated on June 16th, 2021 at 05:02 am

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