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Garbhin`ee Paricharyaa

KeywordGarbhin`ee Paricharyaa
Literary MeaningGarbhin ee means pregnant women, Paricharyaa means regimen.
Implied MeaningIt is a regimen to be followed by a pregnant woman.
ElaborationThese are measures to be adopted by the expectant mother every month during her pregnancy so the foetus develops without morbidity.MonthIndicated RegimenFirstCold milk, wholesome foodSecondBoiled milk with drugs having sweet tasteThirdMilk mixed with honey and gheeFourthMilk along with butter in one Karsha (quantity)FifthGhee directly derived from raw milkSixthGhee directly derived from raw milk and   boiled with certain selected drugs having sweet tasteSeventhMilk or ghee with drugs having sweet taste.Eight month is characterised by Ojas formation. Hence it is important to protect the mother and the foetus from untoward effects. Anuvaasana Basti ( type of enema ) is administered in this and the last month to assure proper nourishment of the growing foetus.
Contemporary ColloquialAnti natal care

Last updated on March 12th, 2021 at 06:17 am

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