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Etymology/ Definition धारणे स्थिरः । अ. हृ. सू. १/१८ हेमाद्रिः
स्थैर्यकृद्‌ – देहदाढर्यकृद्‌ । अ. हृ. सू. ५/२७ हेमाद्रिः
व्यायामो स्थैर्यकराणाम्‌ । च. सू. २५
ReferenceA.H.Su.5/27, C.Su.25/40
Literary MeaningM / W – causing firmness or hardness,
Imparting steadiness and strength to body
Implied MeaningIt is a combination of behaviour and diet, which makes the body tissues steady and retards the process of aging.
ElaborationThere are seven Dhaatu in human body, which sustain the life. Each Dhaatu nourishs the succeeding Dhaatu . If they get nourishment by the food having the attributes as steady ( Sthira ) which resists break down by Agni and Vaayu , the life of the tissues increases ; ultimately, resulting in increased longevity of the person.
This quality of steadiness is seen in all Rasaayana ( rejuvenators ) drugs as they lower down the speed of aging.
Milk of elephant is Sthairyakrid ( makes the body tissues steady and non – deteriorating ). Vyaayaama ( exercise ) is an important part of the daily behavioural regime, which imparts steadiness to the human body. Udvartana ( rubbing dry medicated powders on the skin ) also provides steadiness.

Last updated on June 17th, 2021 at 08:55 am

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