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Maamsa Dhaatu

KeywordMaamsa Dhaatu
Etymology/ Definitionवाय्वम्बुतेजसा रक्तमूष्मणा चाभिसंयुतम् । स्थिरतां प्राप्य मांसं स्यात् स्वोष्मणा पक्वमेव तत् । च.चि.१५/२९
ReferenceC.Chi.15/29, C.Su.28/13, S.Su.14/10, A.H.Su.11/18,
Literary MeaningThe muscular tissue, M / W – flesh , meat
Implied MeaningThe muscular tissue of the body situated below the skin, which covers the bones and all organs.
ElaborationMaamsa is unctuous, stable, solid, smooth, fibrous, tender and yet firm and cold. It is nourished by Rakta Dhaatu. Kedaarakulyaa Nyaaya ). It is brownish in colour.
Its main function is to provide the outer boundary and protective layer to all the organs, impart contractility to them and maintain their shape.
There are twelve types of muscles described by Sus`hruta .
From Maamsadharaa Kalaa ( muscle supporting membrane ) arise Vasaa and the sixth innermost layer of skin. These two are the subtypes of Maamsa Upadhaatu ).
Maamsadusht`i ( vitiation of Maamsa ) gives rise to diseases like Hypertrophy, Hyperplasia of muscle, and heaviness in the body, tumours swelling in the neck ( Galas`haalooka Galas`hun`d`ikaa ).
SynonymsPis`hitam Palalam Kravyam Aamisham
Contemporary ColloquialMuscle tissue, fascia

Last updated on June 15th, 2021 at 04:16 am

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