Keyword | Kapha Dosha |
Type | S. |
Etymology/ Definition | श्लिषि आलिङ्गने, आलिङ्गनार्थस्य श्लिषिधातोर्मनिन्प्रत्यये गुणे च कृते श्लेष्मेति रूपम् । सु. सू. २१/५ डल्हण |
Reference | C.Su.12/12, S.Su.21/5, A.H.Su.1/12, A.H.Sha.3/80 |
Literary Meaning | M / W – phlegm ( as one of the three humors of the body, watery froth or foam in general, The word Kapha is derived from two letters Ka ( water ) and Pha ( is generated from ). |
Implied Meaning | Kapha is that element in the body which is generated from and which flourishes in the presence of water. |
Elaboration | The biological entity Kapha is derived from the two basic elements Prithvee ( Earth ) and Aapa ( water ). Kapha molecules are heavy, stable, smooth, unctuous, soft, viscous, slimy and moist. They are cold to touch, predominantly sweet and slightly salty in taste. Because of their slimy and viscous nature they tend to adhere to each other to form bigger molecules. All cell, tissue and organs of the body are predominantly generated from it. e. g. Jihvaa ( Tongue ) ( S. Sha. 4 / 28 ). Kapha constitutes the main body mass and is responsible for its shape and form. Kapha molecules in muscle give strength to the body. Because of its unctuous or oily properties it prevents friction between the two parts of the body e. g. all joints between the bones. The main sites of Kapha are body fluids, chest, fatty tissue, respiratory, and gastrointestinal tract, joints, and head. Subtypes of Kapha are Kledaka , Avalambaka , Bodhaka , Tarpaka S`hleshaka. In its water predominant state it is called Kapha , in the Prithvee predominant state S`hleshmaa , and in its pathological state Balaasa. |
Synonyms | S`hleshmaa , Soma ( C. Su. 12 / 12 ), Balaasa |
Last updated on June 14th, 2021 at 08:57 am