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Etymology/ Definitionरागकृत रसस्य रञ्जकाग्निसंज्ञं पित्तं /सु.सू.१५/२ डल्हण
ReferenceS.Su.15/2 D`alhan`a A.H.Su.12/13
Literary MeaningM / W – colouring , biliary humour on which vision depends
Implied MeaningIt is a type of Pitta Dosha . This Pitta located in Aamaas ` haya ( stomach ) is known as Ranjaka Pitta .

ElaborationIt imparts red colour to Rasa and converts it to Rakta ( the second Dhaatu ).
As per Sus ` hruta it is situated in spleen and liver . It is responsible for the formation of blood . Any abnormality in the physiological function of Ranjaka Pitta leads to blood disorders .

Last updated on June 16th, 2021 at 09:19 am

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