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Etymology/ Definitionसंतापार्थस्य तप धातोरचिप्रत्यये अकारस्येत्वे वर्णविपर्यये तस्य च द्वित्वे कृते पित्तमिति रूपम् । सु. सू. २१।५ डल्हण
ReferenceC.Su.12/11, S.Su.21/5, A.H.Su.1/11, A.Sha.3/80
Literary MeaningDigestive element
Implied MeaningThe word Pitta is derived from ‘ Tapa Santaape’ , which means intense heat . Pitta represents the energy and heat in the body . It is the key element required for digestion .
ElaborationThe physical and biological properties of Pitta represent the combination of properties of energy ( Teja ) and liquid ( Aapa ) elements . It is hot , light , clear , and slightly unctuous and has penetrating ability . It is liquid in consistency and hence mobile . It is pungent and sour in taste and has strong and raw meat like ( Visragandha ) smell . If Teja is dominant , then it tends to move upwards , if Aapa element is dominant , then it moves in the direction of gravity . It increases the catabolic processes everywhere in the body . It maintains the colour , complexion , and lustre of the skin . Its main sites are digestive tract , body fluids , sweat , blood , skin , eyes , and brain .
There are five subtypes of Pitta viz Paachaka , Ranjaka , Saadhaka , Aalochaka , and Bhraajaka .
SynonymsAgni , Vahni , Vais ` hvaanara , Maayuh ,

Contemporary ColloquialDigestive Enzymes

Last updated on June 16th, 2021 at 05:47 am

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