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Kshudra Dhaanya Varga

KeywordKshudra Dhaanya Varga
Literary MeaningM / W -. an inferior kind of grain, shrivelled grain
Implied MeaningKshudra Dhaanya comprises group of creals having substandard qualities hence they can not nourish Dhaatu.
ElaborationThis group is explained by Sus`hruta . It comprises of Koradoosha, S`hyaamaaka, Neevaara, S`haantanu, Varaka, Uddaalaka, Priyangu, Madhoolikaa, Nandeemukhee, Kuruvinda, Gavedhuka, Baruka, etc.
General qualities of Kshudra Dhaanya:
It is hot, astringent and sweet in taste. It is dry. It is Kat`u in Vipaaka . It pacifies Kapha . It causes constipation.

Last updated on March 16th, 2021 at 05:05 am

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