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Kosht`ha Vis`hodhana

KeywordKosht`ha Vis`hodhana
Etymology/ Definitionएवं विशुद्धकोष्ठस्य कायाग्निः अभिवर्धते । च. सू. १६/१७
Literary MeaningM / W – evacuation of the bowels
Implied MeaningThis is a process which removes out all the vitiated Dosha from alimentary canal and makes it purified.
ElaborationKosht`ha means Mahaasrotas i. e. digestive system ( from mouth to anus ). According to Ayurvedic physiology, Dosha are nurtured in this Kosht`ha Bahu Dosha Avasthaa ( Aggrevated Dosha in abundance ) is responsible for diseases like Udara, Gulma, Vidradhi, Ars`ha, Jvara, Chhardi, Atisaara, Kaasa, S`hvaasa, Krimi Kosht`ha etc. Such conditions need Kosht`ha S`hodhana Chikitsaa ; generally Vamana, Virechana or Basti is carried out.
Kosht`ha S`hodhana is necessary in the diseases observed in Kosht`ha itself. After Kosht`ha S`hodhana , as aggravated Dosha get evacuated, digestive capacity is increased.
SynonymsVis`huddha Kosht`ha / Sams`hodhana

Last updated on June 14th, 2021 at 10:51 am

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