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Etymology/ Definitionप्रकृत्यारम्भकत्वे दुष्टिकर्तृत्वं दोषत्वम । मा.नि.१।१४ मधुकोष, दूषण स्वभावत्वात् दोष:।
दूषयन्तीति दोषाः । अ.हृ.सू.११३ अरुणदत्त
ReferenceM.Ni.1/14, Madhukos`ha, C.Su.1/56, C.Su.20/10, S.Su.21/3 D`alhan`a, A.H.Su.1/6
Literary MeaningA substance capable of vitiating, M / W – the three humours of the body i. e Vaata, Pitta , Kapha
Implied Meaning1. Three biological elements of the body ( Tridosha )
2. Faults of an instrument ( Yantra S`hastra )
ElaborationThose entities, which fulfil the following criteria are called Dosha
1. Prakriti Aarambhakatva – It should be capable of forming an individual constitution at time of conception. It is named after the dominant Dosha e. g. Vaata Prakriti etc.
These are of 7 types viz. single Dosha predominant, two Dosha predominant and all the three balancing each other.
. Svatantrye`na Dusht`i Kartritvam – It should be capable of initiating a diseases process on its own without any external causative factor.
Depending upon their sites and functions they are further subdivided into 5 types:
Vaata Pitta and Kapha are three biological elements ( Dosha ) of the body.
An instrument ( Yantra ) or a sharp instrument ( S`hastra ) with some drawbacks are called Yantradosha or S`hastradosha respectively. E. g. Hyper extended sharp instrument, instrument, which is too short or which can not be held properly etc.
Contemporary ColloquialBiological elements, humors

Last updated on June 14th, 2021 at 05:01 am

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