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Etymology/ Definitionपृथव्यग्निलादीनां संघातः स्वोष्मणा कृतः । खरत्वं प्रकरोत्यस्य जायते अस्थि ततो नृणाम् । च.चि.१५/३१
ReferenceC.Chi.15/31, S.Su.46/527 D`alhan`a, A.H.Su.1/13,
A.H.Sha.3/16, S.Ni.15/16
Literary MeaningM / W – Bones
Implied MeaningCombining together the solid, ethereal and heat components for the ingested food Osseous tissue is formed. The Aahaara Rasa on reaching the Meda Dhaatu is taken up by the Agni of Asthi ( bone ) and is treated for 3015 Kala to finally yield Asthi.
ElaborationIt is the most stable tissue. Bone supports body and harbours bone marrow.
Bones are classified as follows:
Kapaala – flat bones
Nalaka – long bones
Valaya – curved bones e. g. ribs
Ruchaka – teeth
Tarun`a – cartilages
Charaka and Sus`hruta include teeth in bones as Ruchakaasthi .
However S`haarangadhara mentions teeth as an associate ( Upadhaatu ) of bone tissue.
Diseases due to vitiation of Asthi Dhaatu have the following symptoms: fracture of bones, crackling noise in bones.
Hair and Nails originate from waste products of Asthi Dhaatu Asthimala ).
As per Asht`aanga Hridaya total Asthi _ s in body are six hundred.
Contemporary ColloquialBones, Osseous tissue

Last updated on June 10th, 2021 at 05:26 am

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