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C.Chi.12, S.Ni11, Chi.18, A.H.U.29, M.Ni.38

Arbuda is a large growth. Though signs and symptoms mimic Granthi, they can be differentiated by the sign Paaka(suppuration). Arbuda does not have suppurationwhile Granthi can undergo this stage.

Gaatraprades`he Kvachid Eva Doshaah Sammorchchhitaa Maamsamabhipradooshya|
Vrittam Sthiram Mandarujam Mahaantam Anlapamoolam Chiravriddhyapaakam ||
Kurvanti Maamsopachyam Tu S`hopham Tam Arbudam S`haastravido Vadanti ||


Comparison between Granthi and Arbuda

Granthi and Arbuda have the following common factors:

  1. Prades`ha (Same manifesting site on the body)
  2. Hetu (Causative Factors)
  3. Aakriti (Form or shape)
  4. Dosha (Responsible Dosha)
  5. Dooshya (Involving Dhaatu)

Granthi can have Paaka, while Arbuda do not get suppurate because:

  1. Dominance of Kapha and Meda.
  2. Dosha Sthiratvaat (Dosha are stable)
  3. Dosha Grathanatvaat (Dosha are accumulated)

Therefore, Arbuda can be treated with the same principles as that of Granthi.

Types of Arbuda

  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Raktaja
  5. Maamsaja
  6. Medoja

Saamaanya Sampraapti:
Dosha gets accumulated (Sammoorchchhita) vitiating Maamsa. These Dosha get manifested as circular, stable, paining mildly, large sized oedema (S`hopha). The root of the oedema is big (Analpamoola). There is growth of Maamsa (Maamsopachaya). This S`hopha is called as Arbuda.
Symptoms of VaatajaPittajaKaphaja and Medoja Arbuda are same as those of Granthi.

Raktaarbuda: Sampraapti and signs
Vitiated Dosha entered into Rakta. These Dosha press the Siraa causing elevation of muscular growth without Paaka. It is overspread with Maamsaamkura (muscular elevations). There is continuous oozing of blood. This type of Arbuda is Asaadhya. Then it leads to the complications of Raktakshaya which further develops Paan`d`u.

Maamsaarbuda: Sampraapti and signs
Any trauma over the muscle, due to vitiation of Maamsa develops S`hopha without pain discolouration and movement. It is Snigdha and does not suppurate. It resembles hardness of a stone. It is Asaadhya (incurable).

Adhikam Arbudam Adhyarbudam | Madhukos`ha.
When other Arbuda gets manifested over the previous one, it is called as Adyarbuda.

Dvandvajaatam Yugmena Jaatam, Yugapad Ekadaa Kramen`a Vaa Tad Dvirarbudam| Madhukos`ha.
When two Arbuda develop at a time, are called as Dvirarbuda.

Asaadhya Criteria
Arbuda with following signs are incurable.

  1. Prasruta (Sraavee)
  2. Marmagata
  3. Srotogata
  4. Sthira (Achala)
  5. Adhyarbuda (Poorvajaate Yad anyat Jaayate)
  6. Dvirarbuda (Yugapad Kramaad Vaa)

Also Adhyarbuda andDvirarbudaare incurable.

Arbuda: Comparative study of subtypes and saadhyaasaadhyatva

Arbuda VaatajaPittajaKaphajaRaktajaMaamsajaMedoja
Saadhya      Saadhya
AsaadhyaPrasruta (Sraavee)Marmagata, Srotogata, Sthira (Achala), Adhyarbuda (Poorvajaate Yad anyat Jaayate), Dvirarbuda (Yugapad Kramaad Vaa)   AsaadhyaAsaadhya 
DoshaTridoshaVaatajaPittajaKaphaja  TridoshaPrakopa
DhaatuMaamsa Dusht`iMaamsopachayaMaamsa Dusht`iMaamsopachayaMaamsa Dusht`iMaamsopachayaMaamsa Dusht`iMaamsopachaya MaamsopachayaRakta Dusht`i Maamsa Dusht`iMaamsa Dusht`iRakta Dusht`iMeda Dusht`iMeda Vriddhi
Upadhaatu    Siraa Peed`ana  
Srotas      MaamsaRaktaMeda

Last updated on March 25th, 2021 at 05:04 am

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