Prakaara Paribhaashaa:
- The procedure which relieves body stiffness, heaviness, coldness and which induces sweating is called as Svedana.
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Poorvakarma (Prerequisites):
- Instrument checklist: Specific for each subtype.
- Patient preparation: Oil massage should be done except in Aamaja, Kaphaja and Medaja Vyaadhi. Snehana procedure should be administered for 3-7 days as a Poorvakarma in S`hodhana management.
- Medicine preparation: Specific for each subtype.
- Before administration of any type of Svedana eyes and Vrishan`a should be covered. Eyes should be covered with a clean cloth, a ball of wheat flour or leaves of lotus or Palaas`ha. Region of heart should also be covered with cool pearl necklaces etc.
- As per disease and the patients condition the required type of Svedana should be given.
- One should avoid direct contact with open air or cold water immediately after Svedana.
- Sweat should be wiped off completely.
- The person should take rest for some time for a Muhoorta (48 min). Then he should take bath with warm water.
- Then one should consume light, liquid and Anabhishyandi food.
- If the Svedana is administered as a Poorvakarma for any S`hodhana procedure then that procedure should be administered as Pas`hchaat karma (as a Pradhaanakarma).
Other Description:
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¨ÉvªÉ¨ÉÆ ´ÉRÂûIÉhÉÉè ¶Éä¹É¨ÉƒûɴɪɴÉʨɟüiÉ& * - No fomentation should be administered over testicular, heart region and eyes. If necessary only mild fomentation should be done. They should always be protected during Svedana.
- Moderate fomentation should be administered over Vankshan`a (groin). (As S`hukra and Hridaya are Praan`aayatana).
- This procedure is indicated for wounds with pain, Daarun`a and Kat`hina Vran`a.
- Mridu Sveda should be administered in Raktaja Abhishyanda associated with S`hoola.
- Fomentation should be administered before and after the S`hastrakarma over Arma Netra Roga.
- Mridu Sveda should be administered after application of Netra Prakshaalana for three days after the S`hastrakarma of Kaphaja Linganaas`ha.
- Indications and various formulations used can be got through Anveshak search facility
Last updated on April 30th, 2021 at 07:20 am