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Krimi Chikitsaa

C.Vi.7, S.U.54, A.H.Chi.20, N.R. Krimi

  • Saamaanya Chikitsaa:
    The basic line of treatment for Krimi (Intestinal and other parasites) can be classified into:
    • Apakarshan`a (Extraction measures)
    • Prakriti Vighaata (Antagonastic measures)
    • Nidaana Parivarjana (Avoidance of causative factors)
  • Apakarshan`a
    Extraction of the parasites should be done

With appropriate therapies:

  • Prakriti Vighaata:
    Drugs and diet which are pungent, bitter, etc to avoid development of Krimi.
  • Nidaana Parivarjana:
    Factors which produce the parasites and similar substances should be avoided.

    The patient should be given oleation and sudation therapies for a period of 6 / 7 days. Following day he should be fed with foods such as milk, sugar candy, curds, etc. to bring about Udeeran`a i.e. propel the parasites to move to the alimentary canal; then if the food consumed previous day is properly digested, should be given Aasthaapana Basti (enema), Vamana (emesis) and Virechana (purgation) therapies on the same day if the patient is Arha (fit) for the therapies.

    In order to get rid of the worms, the patient should be oleated and should be given emesis followed by purgation with drastic formulations.

    When the non – unctuous enema comes back, the patient should be bathed with warm water and fed with anti – helminthic food without delay, followed by unctuous enema.

Avasthika Chikitsaa:
The worms / parasites situated in head, heart, nose, ear, and eye should be managed particularly with collyrium and various kinds of Snuffs.

Drug of choice:
In all the types Surasaadi Gan`a drugs should be used as the drug of choice. (S.U.54/38)


  • Rasa – Tikta, Kashaaya, Kat`u
  • Gun`a – Rooksha, Ushn`a, Teekshan`a
  • Dhaanya – Puraan`a Dhaanya, Rakta S`haalee
  • S`haaka – Pat`ola, Vetraagra, Rasona, Vaastuka, Chitraka, Mandaara Patra, Sarshapa, Vid`anga, Nimba, Ajamodaa, Khaira, Kut`aja, Kaaravellaka, Hingu, Devadaara, Agaroo,
  • S`himbee – Maasha, Kulattha
  • Dugdha – Ghrita, Dugdha
  • Drava – Tila Taila, Kaanjika, Tushodaka, Gomootra, Suraa, Ausht`ra Mootra, Sauveeraka
  • Phala – Apakva Kadalee, Kant`akaaree, Pakva Taalaphala, Nimbuka Rasa
  • Kritaanna – Madhu, Taambula, Kasturee, Kshaara, Aasthaapana Basti, S`hodhana, Dhoopa, Abhyanaga, Kaphaghna Upachaara, S`hirovirechana

Rasa – Amla, Madhura
Gun`a – Drava
S`haaka – Patra S`haaka
S`himbee – Maasha
Maamsa – Maamsa
Dugdha – Dugdha, Dadhi, Ghrita (Ausht`ra Dugdha, Dadhi, Ghrita Varjita)
Drava – Viruddha Peya, S`heeta Jala
Phala – Badara·        
Kritaanna – Paisht`ika Bhakshya, Ajeern`aas`hana, Viruddhaas`hana, Lavan`a, Chhardi Vega Dhaaran`a, Divaasvapna

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Search Kalpa, Dravya, Aahaara, Chikitsaa Karma, Vihaara for

Adhikaara – Kusht`ha
Effect on Vyaadhi – Krimi
Rasa – Tikta, Kat`u, Kashaaya
Veerya – Ushn`a
Karma-  Krimighna 
For Kalpa, Dravya, Aahaara.

Gun`a – Ushn`a, Teekshn`a, Sara, Pramaathi

Last updated on April 12th, 2021 at 09:35 am

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