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Grahan`ee Chikitsaa

C.Chi.15, Su.U.40, N.R. Sangrahan`ee

Grahan`ee is a disease of impaired activity of Agni, hence Agnideepana and Paachana is basic treatment.

Examination of Pureesha:
It is very important to examine the Pureesha whether it is Aama or Pakva. This examination helps physician to select proper treatment option.

Pakva Pureesha: (perfectly processed) Floats on the water whereas, Aama Pureesha: Sinks down to the bottom of water due to its Guru nature.

Saamaanya Chikitsaa:
Dosha specific treatment

Vis`hesha Chikitsaa:

        Vaataja Grahan`ee:

Pittaja Grahan`ee:
Pitta aggravated at its own site, and obliterating Agni should be removed out of the body with the help of Virechana or Vamana.

Kaphaja Grahan`ee:
Grahan`ee vitiating Kapha should be eliminated by Vamana. By using Ks`haara, Kat`u, Amla and Lavan`a, Tikta Rasa, Agni has to be increased.

Procedures advised in Grahan`ee Chikitsaa:

  1. Snehana
  2. Svedana
  3. S`hodhana (Virechana and Vamana.)
  4. Langhana

Formulations advised in Grahan`ee Chikitsaa

  1. Choorn`a
  2. Lavan`a
  3. Ks`haara
  4. Madhvarisht`a
  5. Suraa
  6. Aasava
  7. Takra Yoga
  8. Ghrita

Treatment of Grahan`ee according to Sus`hruta: (Su. U. 40/77 – 182)
As per the dominance of the Dosha, the disease should be treated.
PaachaneeyaDeepaneeyaSangrahan`eeya Gan`a are to be administered early in the morning with Suraa / Arisht`a / Sneha / Mootra / Ushn`aambu / Takra
Everything that is Deepana should be used in Grahan`ee.
Grahan`ee is to be treated avoiding any contrast to the treatment of other concurrent diseases.
Treatment of Krimi, Gulma, Udara and Ars`ha is also to be adopted in this disease named Grahan`ee.

Diet in Grahan`ee:
Diet should have Laghu, Deepaneeya, Ushn`a properties.
Peyaa is advised to be used which is made up of Deepaneeya Aushadha.
If food is taken after complete digestion of previously taken food, and if taken in amount which can be digested easily, then it leads to perfect balance of Dhaatu.
This increases life and health. Otherwise, it leads to the imbalance of Dhaatu.

Role of Snehana in Grahan`ee:
Sneha is the best entity to enhance activity of Agni. Very heavy diet also is unable to suppress the digestive activity of Agni, which is enhanced by Sneha. Any diet howsoever heavy is unable to suppress Agni that is kindled by Sneha

Therefore, it is necessary to administer Sneha in Grahan`ee. Therefore Sneha enjoys a place of eminence in the management of Grahan`ee.

Role of Takra (Buttermilk) in Grahan`ee:
Takra is useful in diseases due to depletion of Agni as Grahan`ee, Ars`ha, Udara. Takraarisht`a is also useful in this disease. Due to following properties it is indicated in Grahan`ee.

Graahee (arrests excessive motions by absorbing the excessive fluid)
Deepana (enhances digestive activity).
Laghu (easy to digest)
Kashaaya, Ushn`a, Vikaas`hee, Rooksha hence pacifies Kapha
Madhura, Amla, Saandra, Avidaahee hence pacifies Vaata

Rasa – Kashaaya
Gun`a & Karma – Snigdha, Deepaka, Paachaka, Sangraahi
S`hooka Dhaanya – Puraan`a Shasht`eeka S`haalee, Godhooma
S`himbee – Mudga, Kulattha
Maamsa – S`has`ha, En`a, Tittira Maamsa Rasa, Kshudra Matsya, Biles`haya
Dugdha – Godugdha, Aja Dadhi, Avi Dadhi, Ajaa Navaneeta, Dadhi, Ghrita, Snehodhrita Takra.
Drava – Ushn`odaka, Mastu, Kaanjika, Areesht`a, Mootra, Tila Taila, Madya
Phala – Kshudra Panasa, Daad`ima, Karmaranga, Bilva, Kapittha, Vat`a, Jamboo, Kadalee, D`in`d`is`ha, Tinduka
Kritaanna – Masoora, Aad`hakee, Mudga Yoosha, Suraamand`a, Sauveeraka, Tushodaka, Kaanjika, Mastu, Kravyaad /Jaangala Maamsa Rasa, Dadhi Siddha Yavaagoo, Mudgaadi Yoosha, Kulattha Yoosha, Paayasa, Kris`haraa, Godhooma Choorn`a Mantha, Laajaa Mand`a.
Other – Madhu, Kamalakanda, Kadalee Pushpa, Shringaat`ka, Chukra, Bhangaa, Kut`aja, Jeeraka, Karchura, Jaateephala, Dhaanyaka, Nimba, Ativishaa, Ahiphena, Alaaboo, Takraarisht`a, Takrasidha Padaartha, Suraa, Sauvarchala, Maricha, Vaarun`ee

Rasa – Amla, Lavan`a
Gun`a – Guru
Dhaanya /S`hooka – Godhuma, Yava
S`haaka – Upodikaa, Vaastuka, Kaakamaachee, Kushmaan`d`a, Tumbee, Madhus`higru Kanda, Moorvaa, Punarnavaa
S`himbee – Maasha, Raajamaasha, Nishpaava, Kalaaya
Dugdha – Maahisha Dugdha, Dadhi
Drava – Kaanjee, Sauveeraka, Tushodaka, Naarikela Jala,Gomootra.
Phala – Ikshu, Aamara, Draakshaa, Rasona, Puga, Badara, Naarikela, Kant`akaaree, Bilva, Karakat`ee
Kritaanna – Rasaalaa
Other – Gud`a, Dhaanyaamla, Sauveeraka, Mastu, Vrikshaamla, Tushodaka, Kasturee, Kshaara, Viruddhaanna, Jaagaran`a, Raktamokshan`a, Jalapaana, Snaana, Maithuna, Vega Dhaaran`a, Nasya, Anjana, Svedana, Dhumpaana, Shrama, Aatapa Sevana

Search help for treatment of Grahan`ee
Search for Kalpa, Dravya, Aahaara in Anveshakahaving
Vyaadhi – Grahan`ee
Adhikaara – Grahan`ee
Karma – Deepana, Paachana, Graahi, Stambhana
Effect on Agni – Agnideepaka, Agnivardhaka
Effect on Mala Mala Paachana

Last updated on February 16th, 2021 at 10:01 am

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