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C.Vi.2, S.U.56, A.H.Su.8, M.Ni.6


  • According to Charaka, this is one of the Aamapradoshaja Vikaara, viz. Alasaka and Visoochikaa.
  • Generally, a site in the body where Aama and Dosha get resided, there the disease gets manifested; also these diseases can be judged by the symptoms which are manifested due to Aama and Dosha.
  • Visoochikaa is basically caused by the Ajeern`a.
  • Visoochikaa is a state of Aama Dosha which gets voided through upward and downward direction.


  • Vividhaih Vedanodbhedaih Vaayvaadi Bhris`hakopatah |
    Soocheebhih Iva Gaatraan`i Vidhyateeti Visoochikaa || A.H.Su.8/7
  • Vividha Soocheetulyatvaad Visoochikaa | A.H.Su.8/7 Arun`adatta
    Soocheebhih Iva Gaatraan`i Tudan Santisht`han Anilah |
    Yasya Ajeern`ena Saa Vaidyaih Uchyate Ti Visoochikaa || S.U.56


        Visoochikaa is a disease in which all the three Dosha get aggravated causing different types of pains (Vividha Vedanaa). Especially, there is a pain like pricking by the needle. Therefore, it is called as Visoochikaa.

        It manifests with all the symptoms by all the three Dosha.

  • Vaayu causes the symptoms like S`hoola, Bhrama, Aanaaha, Kampa, Stambha.
  • Pitta causes the symptoms like Jvara, Atisaara, Antardaaha, Trit`, Pralaya (Moorchchhaa).
  • Kapha causes the symptoms like Chhardi, Angagurutaa, Vaaksanga, Sht`heevana.
  • In Visoochikaa, Moorchchhaa, Ateesaara, Vamathu, Pipaasaa, S`hoola, Bhrama, Udvesht`ana, Jrimbha, Daaha, Vaivarn`ya, Kampa, Hridaya Rujaa, S`hiro Bheda are the manifested symptoms.


  • Asaadhya symptoms
  1. S`hyaava Danta
  2. S`hyaava Nakha
  3. S`hyaava Osht`ha
  4. Alpa Samdnyataa
  5. Chhardi
  6. Yaata Abhyantara Netra
  7. Kshaama Svara
  8. Sarva Vimukta Sandhi

        Upadrava (Complications) of Visoochikaa

  1. Nidraanaas`ha
  2. Arati
  3. Kampa
  4. Mootraaghaata
  5. Visamdnyataa

Last updated on February 15th, 2021 at 06:00 am

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