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Baala Roga Chikitsaa

S. Chi. 20/3,A.H.U.2

The diseases occurring from the time from birth to 16 years (as Baala is defined as that period of time between birth and sixteen years of age) are called as Baalaroga. They are slightly different from diseases of adults and need special attention and treatment.
There are number of diseases which can affect the children and which have line of treatment similar to those of adults with some restriction in use of dosage forms and therapies.

The treatment of diseases in children should be done similar to adults but the medicines should be mild.
Dose of the medicine should be small (Kaneeyasee Maatraa) as children are delicate (Sukumaara Alpakaaya) and eat small quantity (amount and food items) of food (Sarva Anna Anupasevana).
Basti should be replaced by Virechana and Mars`ha Nasya should be replaced by Pratimars`ha Nasya in Panchakarma Saadhya Diseases.
In Ksheeraada and Ksheeraannaada Baalaka i.e., In breast fed children before weaning, the medicine is applied to the nipple and areola of the nursing mother before each feed.

Vis`hesha Chikitsaa:

Gudakut`t`a – It is also known as AhipootanaaMaatrikaa DoshaPrisht`aaru as well as Anaamika. It requires a two fold treatment as follows:

 Ajagallikaa – It is type of Kshudra Roga seen in children. It is a type of pustule caused by vitiated Vaata and Kapha Dosha.

Apasmaara, Unmaada:These are similar to those seen in adults. Vaagbhat`a has given Laakshaadi Taila for their treatment in children.

Baala S`hosha – it is caused by the blockade in the Srotas by vitiated Kapha.

Baala Chhardi –There is some difference between infantsand children. In children it is similar to those seen in adults.
In infants thebaby vomits every time after consuming milk (Peetam Peetam Vamati).

Ativishaa alone is the best medicine for Kaasa (cough), Chhardi (vomiting) and Jvara (fever) in children.
Dantodbhedaja Baala Roga – Eruption of teeth (the process of developing and teething) is one of the foremost reasons for a number of diseases in children.

These can vary from Jvara, Kaasa, Pratis`hyaaya, Atisaara, Visarpa to diseases of eye like Abhishyanda and Pothakee.

  • As children always consume milk andghee products they are alwaysSnigdha,hence can be givenSadya Vamana.
  • The child should be Breast fed tillsatisfaction and thenVamanashould be administered.
  • If the child isAnnaada(food eating)Ghrita Yukta Peyaashould be givenbeforeVamana.
  • WhenBastiis indicated for the stage ofVyaadhi,Virechanashould be given to the child instead ofBasti.
  • WhenMars`ha Nasyais indicated for the stage ofVyaadhi,Pratimars`ha Nasyashould be given to the child instead ofMars`ha.(These should repeated asper need)

S`hoola-it is mainly due to consumption of vitiated breastmilk or incompatible food. It can manifest asHrits`hoola, Basti S`hoola, Guhya S`hoola, S`hirah S`hoolaetc. Ifit is due to vitiated milk following treatment should be done.

Ksheeraalasaka: It is disease caused by breast milk vitiated by all the three Dosha. It is a serious disease and needs special attention and quick effective treatment to both the child as well as the mother.

Even after this treatment if the disease remains unresolved, then it should be treated according to present complaints examining all the factors including Kaala (Vyaadhi AvasthaaDosha Avasthaa etc).

Mrittikaa Bhakshan`ajanya Roga – These can be anything from Paan`d`oo to Krimi Roga etc. The main treatment of it is to eliminate the habit of eating soil. It should be treated by S`hodhana, S`hamana including Paat`haadi Ghrita for diseases caused by soil eating.

Taalukan`t`ka It is caused due to the vitiated Kapha Dosha. Due to this it produces depression at the anterior fontanele on the head.

Preventive measures The diseases in children are mainly caused by the vitiated milk or food. To keep the children away from diseases one has to see that the milk he / she are consuming is free from vitiation. The mother should be healthy. The food consumed by the mother should be wholesome and healthy.

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Vyaadhi and Adhikaara

  • Baala Roga
  • Baala specific Avasthaa in various Vyaadhi

Karma – Stanya S`hodhana

Baalagraha Chikitsaa

A.H.U.3, S.U.27-37

The disease occurs due to non-cleanliness and affects deeply both body and the mind. Hence three fold treatment is advised as follows.

Yuktivyapaas`hraya – Symptomatic treatment related to body
Satvaavajaya As`hvaasaka (consoling), which comes as part of Daivavyapaas`hraya.
Daivavyapaas`hraya These types of treatment help in removing the bad effects caused by evil spirits.

Saamaanya Chikitsaa
The first factor of importance in the treatment is maintaining clean and sacred atmosphere around the affected child.
The person looking after the child should refrain from Madya (consumption of alcohol), Maamsa (consumption of meat) and Vyavaaya (sexual gratification).
The room should be clean and neat and should have fire, pious flowers and plants inside.
A lamp of Sarshapa Taila should be kept lit in the room to make the room free from evil effects.
Sarshapa should be used extensively for Rakshoghna Karma, seeds for Dhoopana, for spreading over the land, its oil for lighting the lamp.
Baby should be massaged with Puraan`a Ghrita and given bath with consecrated water.

        Vis`hesha Chikitsaa

Chikitsaa GrahaParishekaAbhyangaGhritaPaanaSaksheeraDhoopanaDhaaran`aBali KarmaRakshaa
Skanda VaataghnaPatraVaataghna Moola Siddha TailaDevadaar-vyaadi Draavya SiddhaSarshapa Sarpa-nirmokaadiSomavalee,Indravalee,S`hamee, Bilvakan`ta`ka,Indravaarun`eeMoolaRakta Varn`a DravyaSkanda Stuti,
Skandaapasmaara Surasaadi Gan`a, Bilva, S`hireesha, GolomeeSarva Gandha DravyaKsheeree vriksha, Kaakolyaadi Gan`aUtsaadana-Vachaa + Hingu,Anantaa, Kukkut`ee, Bimbee, Markat`eeAt road cross square, noon, evening or mid-nightSkanda-apasmaara Stuti
Dhoopana Gridhraadi
S`hakunee VetasaadiPradeha -Madhukaadi,Vran`a Chikitsaa for Vran`aGhritapaana -SkandaapasmaaroktaSkandoktaS`hataavaree, Indravaarun`ee, Naagadantee, Kan`t`akaaree,Lakshman`aa, Sahadevaa, BrihateeAt the base of Karanja Vriksha, at nightPoojaa, S`hakunee Stuti
Revatee As`hvagandhaadiKusht`haadi TailaLaakshaadi GhritaPradeha – KulatthaadiVarun`a, Nimba, Sindhuvaara, PutranjeevaAt Goteertha, Snaana at Nadee SangamaRevatee Poojaa,Mantra, Stuti
Dhoopana – Gridhraadi
Pootanaa BraahmyaadiVachaadi TailaTugaaksheeryaadiDevadaarvaadi, Gandha-NaakulyaadiKaakaadanee, Chitraphalaa, Bimbee, GunjaaAt S`hoonya GrihaPootanaa Poojaa, Mantra, Stuti
Andha-pootanaa Tikta Druma PatraSuraadi TailaPippalyaadi GhritaPradeha – SarvagandhaadiKukkut`ee, Markat`ee, AnantaaAt Chatushpatha or inside empty houseSnaana SarvaGandhodaka
Dhoopana – Kukkut`a PureeshaadiAndhapootanaa Stuti
S`heetapootanaa KapitthaadiBastamootraadi TailaRihin`yaadi GhritaGridhraadiLambaa, Gunjaa, KaakaadaneeAt river bank, or middle of the riverSnaana at Jalaas`haya
S`heetapootanaa Stuti
Mukhaman`d`ikaa KapitthaadiBhringa Vrikshaadi SnehaMadhoolikaadi GhritaVachaadiChaasha Jihvaa, Cheeralli Jihvaa, Sarpa JihvaaGosht`ha MadhyeSnaana Gaayatree Mantra Siddha Jala
Mukhaman`d`ikaa Stuti
Naigamesha BilvaadiPrayangvaadi TailaDas`hamoolaadi GhritaDhaaran`a and Utsaadana – Vachaa, Vayasthaa, Golomee, Jat`ilaa,Dhoopana – Siddhaarthakaadi, Markat`aadiAt the base of Vat`a on Shasht`hiSnaana at the base of Vat`a Vriksha
Naigamesha Stuti
Vishaakha, Pitri, Mesha, S`hva, S`hushkarevateeSaamaanya Chikitsaa, Dhoopana Markat`aadi Dhoopana (Navagrahaadi Dhoopai).

Preventive measures Cleanliness of other and child. Do not hit or threaten the child; do not make the child over exited or cry.

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Vyaadhi – Graha Roga

Last updated on March 5th, 2021 at 06:45 am

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