Prakaara Paribhaashaa:
- Even though almost all the Dusht`a Dosha are removed by Bhedana something is left behind coated inside the skin and Maamsa Dhaatu or in the corners of the Vran` a S`hotha. The removal is done by a procedure which is termed as Vran`a S`hodhana.
Other Description:
- The Vran`a S`hodhana is carried out by the S`hodhana Dravya belonging to the Surasaadi Gan`a, Aaragvadhaadi Gan`a or Arkaadi Gan`a depending on the nature of the Dusht`a Dosha and the body location.
- This is carried out by Avachoorn`na, Dhaavana, Kalka, S`hodhana Taila, S`hodhana Ghrita or Varti.
- Varti Chikitsaa is specially indicated if the opening of Vran`a is very small or deep seated.
- Kalka are used when the Vran`a is big occupying bigger area in Maamsa Dhaatu.
- Avachoorn`na should be done if the Vran`a is limited only to skin.
- Dhaavana should be done if there is Kotha (decaying) formation in Vran`a.
- Generally S`hodhana Taila and S`hodhana Ghrita are used for all practical purpose.
- S`hodhana Kashaaya should be used for Durgandhi Kledayukta Pichchhila Vran`a.
- S`hodhana Kalka or Varti should be used for Sas`halya, An`umukhi, GambhiraMaamsans`hrita Vran`a.
- S`hodhana Ghrita should be used for Pittadusht`a Gambhira Daahapaakayukta Vran`a and Vran`a with Pittakapha Anubandha.
- S`hodhana Taila should be used for Utsanna Maamsa Ruksha Alpasraavi Vran`a and Vran`a with Kaphavaata Anubandha.
- S`hodhana Rasakriyaa should be used for Sthira Maamsayukta Dusht`a Vran`a.
- S`hodhana Choorn`a should be used for Medodusht`a Uttaana Durgandhi Vran`a.
Last updated on April 30th, 2021 at 08:49 am