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C.Chi.15, C.Vi.2, A.H.Su.13


Heavy diet or food in large quantity hampers Agni (digestive capacity). That leads to formation of Aama, vitiation of Dosha and manifestation of symptoms, collectively called as Aamadosha.

Definition of Aama:

Ushman`o Alpa Balatvena Dhaatum Aadyam Apaachitam |

Dusht`am Aamaas`hayagatam Rasam Aamam Prachakshate || A. H. Su. 13/25

Aama is formed due to decreased digestive capacity. In the process of digestion, Rasa Dhaatu remains undigested and gets vitiated. This vitiated Rasa remains in the Aamaas`haya causing various symptoms and diseases. This is called as Aama Dosha.

Causes of Aamadosha:

        Diet consumed in large amount than the hunger, it is called Atimaatraas`hana, which is cause of aggravation of all the three Dosha.

        When a person consumes food in a large amount, and drinks water after consumption, due to the irritation caused by the excess food all the three Dosha get aggravated.

        Not only excess food quantity is responsible for Aama Dosha but the food having attributes like Guru, Rooksha, S`heeta etc. also causes Aama Dosha. Though the food is taken in proper amount, factors like Chintaa etc. are also responsible for Aama Dosha

        If all the Dosha are vitiated and they get accumulated, then intermingle to produce Aama as poison is formed from the Kodrava.

Sampraapti of Aamadosha:

  1. Agni Dusht`ee is basic cause of Aamadosha.
  2. Due to hampered digestive capacity, though light food is consumed it is not digested then it resembles to S`hukta (fermented substance) and turns to Anna Visha.
  3. These Dosha get mixed with the undigested food. They remain there without any movement (Alasaka) or suddenly they get purged out either through the mouth or through the anus (Visoochikaa). Thus, they create different types of Vyaadhi.
  4. Anna Visha (food turned into poison) gets associated with Pitta, then it manifests with DaahaTrishn`aaMukhaamaya (diseases of oral cavity), Amlapitta and other diseases due to Pitta. If it gets associated with Kapha, then it manifests in Yakshmaa, Peenasa, Meha and other Kapha predominant diseases.

General Properties of Aama:

  1. Drava (liquid)
  2. Guru (heavy to digest)
  3. Aneka Varn`a (having different colours)
  4. Snigdha (unctuous)
  5. Pichchhila (slimmy)
  6. Tantumad
  7. Anubaddha S`hoola (pain)
  8. Durgandhee (with bad odour)

Clinical presentation of Aamadosha
When the diseases are either caused by Saama Dosha, Saama Dooshya / Dhaatu or Saama Mala or have stage of Aama association, are called as Saama.

Aama Dosha can manifests with two types Visoochikaa and Alasaka.

Aamadosha may present following symptoms:

  • Visht`ambha
  • Sadana
  • S`hiroruk
  • Moorchchhaa
  • Bhrama
  • Prisht`ha Graha
  • Kat`i Graha
  • Jrimbhaa
  • Angamarda
  • Trishn`aa
  • Jvara
  • Chhardi
  • Pravaahan`a
  • Arochaka
  • Avipaaka

Last updated on February 9th, 2021 at 07:25 am

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