S.Ni.16, C.Su.18, C.Chi.12, C.Chi.26, A.H.U.21
Vadana Roga–D`alhan`a.
Mukharoga are the diseases related to the Mukha i.e. Mouth.
Mukharoga – Aayatanaani (Sthaana):
- Osht`ha
- Danta Moola
- Danta
- Jihvaa
- Taalu
- Kan`t`ha
- Mukha (Complete Mukha)
In Charaka Samhitaa, following diseases related to Mukha etc. are explained in Chikitsaasthaana
- S`haalooka
- Bid`aalikaa
- Taalu Vidradhi
- Upjihvikaa.
- Adhijihvikaa
- Upakus`ha
- DantaVidradhi
- Galas`hun`d`ikaa
- Galagan`d`a
- Galagraha
- Rohin`ee
These all diseases are explained by Charaka, under the S`hotha Prakaran`a, as they all manifest with the Utsedha (elevation due to oedema). This is extraordinary thinking by Charaka.
Rogaas`hchotsedha Saamaanyaad Adhimaamsaarbudaadayah |
Vis`hisht`aa Naama Roopaabhyaam Nirdes`hyaah S`hotha Sangrahe ||
Charaka has explained Mukharoga in Trimarmeeya Chikitsaa Adhyaaya.
According to Vaagbhat`a all the Dosha predominant with Kapha cause Mukharoga.
According to Charaka, Mukharoga are 64 in number.
- Vaataja
- Pittaja
- Kaphaja
- Saannipaatika
According to Chakrapaan`i, though 64 Mukharoga are explained in S`haalaakya Tantra (According to Sus`hruta they are 65); Charaka has considered them all under these 4 types.
There is S`hosha, Kaarkas`hya, Raukshya in Vaataja Mukharoga. There is moving pain (Chala Rujaa). The colour of the mouth turns to black or reddish (Krishn`a and Arun`a). There is coldness in the mouth. There is Prasramsana, Spandana, Toda and Bheda.
There is Trishn`aa, Jvara, Sphot`aka, Taalu Daaha, Dhoomaayana and Avadeern`ataa, Moorchchhaa, varied types of Rujaa. The colour of the mouth changes to the colours other than S`hukla, Arun`a Varn`a.
There is Kan`d`oo, Gurutva, Sita, Vijjalatva, Sneha (unctuousness), Aruchi, Jaad`ya, Kapha Praseka, Utkles`ha, Mandaanalataa (Agni Maandya), Tandraa and Manda Rujaa (Mild pain).
All the symptoms and signs appear in this type of Mukharoga.
According to Sus`hruta, Mukharoga are 65 in number.
Osht`ha Roga = 8
Danta Moola = 15
Danta = 8
Jihvaa = 5
Taalu = 9
Kan`t`ha = 17|
Sarva Mukha = 3
Total = 65 |
- Types:
According to Vaagbhat`a, Mukharoga are 75 in number.
Osht`hagata = 11
Gan`d`agata = 1
Dantagata = 10
Dantamoolagata = 13
Jihvaagata = 6
Taalugata = 8
Galagata = 18
Vaktragata = 8
Total = 75 |
All Mukharoga are caused due to Kapha dominant Tridosha.
Mukharoga: According to Sus`hruta Samhitaa:
Ost`ha (8) | Danta Moola (15) | Danta (8) | Jihvaa (5) | Taalu (9) | Kan`t`ha (17) | Sarva Mukha (3) |
Vaataja | S`heetaada | Daalana | Kan`t`aka (3)Ø VaatajaØ KaphajaØ Pittaja | Galas`hun`d`ikaa | Rohin`ee (5) | Vaataja |
Pittaja | DantaPupput`aka | Krimidantaka | Alaasa | Tun`d`ikeree | Kan`t`haS`haalooka | Pittaja |
Kaphaja | DantaVesht`aka | DantaHarsha | Upajihvikaa | Adhrusha | Adhijihvaa | Kaphaja |
Saannipaataja | S`haushira | Bhanjanaka | Kachchhapa | Valaya | S`hon`itaja | |
Raktaja | MahaaS`haushira | DantaS`harkaraa | Arbuda | Balaasa | ||
Maamsaja | Paridara | Kapaalikaa | MaamsaSanghaata | Ekavrinda | ||
Medohja | Upakus`ha | S`hyaavaDantaka | TaaluPupput`a | Vrinda | ||
Abhighaataja | DantaVaidarbha | Hanumoksha | TaaluS`hosha | S`hataghnee | ||
Vardhana | TaaluPaaka | Gilaayu | ||||
Adhimaamsa | Galavidradhi | |||||
Naad`ee (5) | Galaugha | |||||
Svaraghna | ||||||
Maamsataana | ||||||
Vidaaree |
Mukharoga: According to Asht`aanga Hridaya:
Osht`ha (11) | Gan`d`a (1) | Danta (10) | DantaMoola (13) | Jihvaa (6) | Taalu (8) | Gala (18) | Vaktra (8) |
Khan`d`ausht`ha | Gan`d`aalajee | S`heetaakhya / Daalana | S`heetaada | VaataDooshita | Taalu Pit`ikaa | Rohin`ee – Vaataja | Sarvasara – Vaataja |
Osht`hakopa | DantaHarsha | Upakus`ha | PittaDooshita | GalaS`hun`d`ikaa | Rohin`ee – Pittaja | Savasara – Pittaja | |
Osht`hakopaVaataja | DantaBheda | DantaPupput`a | KaphaDooshita | TaaluSamhati | Rohin`ee – Kaphaja | Sarvasara – Kaphaja | |
Osht`hakopaPittaja | (Danta) Chaala | DantaVidradhi | Alasa | (Taalu) Arbuda | Rohin`ee – Raktaja | Sarvasara – Raktaja | |
Osht`hakopaKaphaja | Karaala | Sushira | Adhijihva | Kachchhapa | Rohin`ee – Sannipaataja | Sarvasara – Sarvaja | |
Osht`hakopaSaanipaatika | Adhidanta (Vardhana) | MahaaSushira | Upajihva | (Taalu) Pupput`a | Kan`t`haS`haalooka | Kaphaarbuda | |
Osht`hakopaRaktaja | (Danta)S`harkaraa | Adhimaamsaka | Taalu Paaka | Vrinda | PootiVaktra | ||
Osht`hakopaMaamsaja | (Danta) Kapaalikaa | Vidarbha | Taalu S`hosha | Tun`d`ikerikaa | OordhvaGuda | ||
Osht`hakopaMedoja | (Danta) S`hyaava | Danta Gati (Naad`ee) – 5 types | Galaugha | ||||
Osht`hakopaKshataja | Krimidantaka | Valaya | |||||
Jalaarbuda (Vaata Kaphaja | Gilaayuka | ||||||
S`hataghnee | |||||||
GalaVidradhi | |||||||
Galaarbuda | |||||||
Galagan`d`a – Vaataja | |||||||
Galagan`d`a – Kaphaja | |||||||
Galagan`d`a – Medoja | |||||||
Svaraha |
According to Maadhava Nidaana, Mukharoga are 65 in number.
According to Maadhava Nidaana, Mukharoga are caused due to the dominance of Kapha Dosha.
Maadhava Nidaana has explained it as per Sus`hruta Samhitaa.
Osht`hagata = 8
Dantamoolagata = 15
Dantagata = 8
Jihvaagata = 5
Taalugata = 9
Kan`t`hagata = 17
Sarvasara = 3
Total = 65
According to Maadhava Nidaana:
Osht`hagata (8) | Dantamoolagata (15) | Dantagata (8) | Jihvaagata (5) | Taalugata (9) | Kant`hagata (17) | Sarvasara (3) |
Vaataja | S`heetaada | Daalana (A) | Vaataja | Kan`t`haS`hun`d`ee | Rohin`ee – Vaataja | Sarvasara – Vaataja |
Pittaja | DantaPupput`a | Krimidantaka | Pittaja | Tun`d`ikeree | Rohin`ee – Pittaja | Savasara – Pittaja |
Kaphaja | DantaVesht`a | Bhanjanaka (A) | Kaphaja | Adhrusha | Rohin`ee – Kaphaja | Sarvasara – Kaphaja |
Saannipaatika (A) | S`haushira | Dantaharsha | Alaasa (A) | Kachchhapa | Rohin`ee – Tridoshaja (A) | |
Raktaja (A) | Maha S`haushira (A) | DantaS`harkaraa | Upajihvikaa | Taalvarbuda (A) | Rohin`ee – Raktaja | |
Maamsaja (A) | Paridara | Kapaalikaa | MaamsaSanghaata | Kan`t`haS`haalooka | ||
Medoja | Upakus`ha | S`hyaavaDantaka (A) | Taalu Pupput`a | Adhijihvikaa | ||
Abhighaataja | Vaidarbha | DantaVidradhi | Taalu S`hosha | Valaya (A) | ||
Khalivardhana | Taalu Paaka | Balaas`ha (A) | ||||
Karaala | Ekavrinda | |||||
Dantamoolagata Naad`ee – 5 typesTridoshaja Naad`ee (A) | Vrinda (A) | |||||
S`hataghnee (A) | ||||||
Galaayu | ||||||
GalaVidradhi | ||||||
Galaugha (A) | ||||||
Svaraghna (A) | ||||||
Maamsataana (A) | ||||||
(A): Asaadhya | Vidaaree (A) |
Osht`ha Gata Roga:
Diseases related to lips. Osht`ha Prakopaah Osht`ha Rogaah | D`alhan`a.
Osht`ha become Karkas`ha, Parusha, Stabdha, Krishn`a. There is severe pain (Mahaarujaa) like Daalana (as if the lips are dividing) and Paripaat`ana.
The lips get suffered by Pid`akaa which are in shape of Sarshapa. There is Daaha, Paaka, Sraava. The lips become Neela and Peeta in colour.
There are Pid`akaa on the lips; but there is no pain. There is Kan`d`oo, S`hotha, Pichchhilatva, S`heetala (coldness) and Gurutaa (heaviness). The person cannot tolerate cold things.
The colour of the lips changes from Krishn`a, Peeta to S`hveta. There are Pid`akaa also.
As per Vaagbhat`a, there is Durgandha (foul smell), Pichchhila Sraava (sticky secretions), there is S`hotha, Rujaa and Vishama Paakitva.
The lips resemble to the colour of Kharjoora Phala. There are also Pid`akaa. There is blood secretion from the lips and looks like colour of blood.
The lips become heavy (Guru), large in size (Sthoola) and elevated like muscular growth. There is formation of Krimi from the lip region (Srikka).
The lips look like Ghrita Maan`d`a (according to Vaagbhat`a it looks like Taila). There is itching. They are steady (Sthira) and Mridu (soft). They look clean like Sphat`ika. There is secretion also.
There is Vidaaran`a and Paat`ana (tearing) of lips. There is formation of Granthi on the lips.
As per Vaagbhat`a, there is Kan`d`oo and Granthi.
The lips are bifurcated in to two parts due to Vaayu.
Like bubble water, there is a blister on the lips caused due to Vaata and Kapha.
Gan`d`agata Roga:
This is steady oedema (Sthira S`hopha) on the Gan`d`a (cheek), which is associated with Daaha and Jvara.
Danta Moolagata Roga
These are the diseases related to the root of the teeth.
This is a disease where there is sudden bleeding from the gums (DantaVesht`a). There is foul smell from the gums. They become wet and soft. The Maamsa gets shattered. The gums cause suppuration of other gums also. This is S`heetaada. This is caused by vitiation of Kapha and Rakta.
Danta Pupput`aka
When there is severe S`hotha with severe pain in the gums of 2 or 3 teeth; then it is called as Danta Pupput`aka. This is caused due to vitiation of Kapha and Rakta. As per Vaagbhat`a, it resembles the seed of Badara.
Danta Vesht`a
There is secretion of pus and blood through gums. The teeth get loosened from their roots. This is caused due to vitiated Rakta Dhaatu.
S`haushira / Sushira
This is S`hotha at the root of the teeth, there is pain, and Laalaasraava and Kan`d`oo. This disease is caused by Kapha and Rakta.
This is named as Sushira by Vaagbhat`a and it is caused by Pitta and Rakta.
Mahaa S`haushira
The teeth are loosened. There is shattering of Taalu. There is suppuration of gums (Danta Maamsa). There is pain in the mouth. This disease is called as Mahaa S`haushira.
According to Vaagbhat`a, there is Sannipaata Jvara in Mahaa Sushira. There is secretion of Pooya, Rakta. The roots of the teeth get loosened. Vaagbhat`a called it as Mahaa Sushira.
DantaMaamsa Paridaran`aat Paridarah | Gayadaasa
The gums are shattered (S`heeryante). There is Sht`heevana of blood (spitting of blood). This disease is caused by vitiated Pitta, Rakta and Kapha.
There is Daaha and Paaka at the gums causing loosening of the teeth. When they are moved, there is secretion of blood. There is mild pain. There is inflation of the gums when the blood is secreted out. There is foul smell to the mouth. This Upakus`ha is caused due to the vitiated Pitta and Rakta.
Danta Vaidarbha
When the gums are rubbed, there is formation of S`hotha and the teeth get loosened. This is DantaVaidarbha. This is caused due to trauma (Abhighaataja)
Danta Vardhana
Due to extra tooth there is Vaata Prakopa, which causes severe pain. When the tooth gets erupted completely, the pain gets pacified.
According to Vaagbhat`a, this is a disease of teeth and not of DantaMoola. According to him, it is also called as Adhidanta.
In the mandible joint, at the end of the teeth line, there is severe oedema (S`hotha) and pain. There is Laalaasraava. This is caused due to vitiated Kapha.
As per Vaagbhat`a, there is S`hotha like Keela (nail) at the end of the teeth line. There is pain in Hanu, Karn`a. it obstructs the food activities.
DantaMoolagata Naad`ee
In the gums the sinus is formed due to vitiated Dosha and Aagantu cause. They are thus of five types.
According to Vaagbhat`a, a person who neglects the curable diseases of DantaMaamsa; then the Dosha get accumulated in it causing Gati in it. It secrets Pooya. It causes splitting of skin, Maamsa, Asthi. These are of 5 types.
In the gums, there is formation of S`hotha, due to Dosha and Rakta. This S`hotha manifests internally and externally. There is heaviness, pain, burning sensation. When it opens out, there are secretions of pus and blood; this is DantaVidradhi.
Dantagata Roga
These are the diseases related to teeth.
There is breaking of the teeth with severe pain. This is caused due to vitiated Vaata.
It is also called as S`heetaakhya (S`heetaDanta) according to Vaagbhat`a. According to Vaagbhat`a, teeth can not tolerate cold touch but can tolerate hot touch. It splits due to S`hoola (pain). It is called as Daalana or S`heetaakhya.
There is pain without any cause. The tooth becomes black coloured. It becomes porous. There are secretions through it. There is S`hotha and severe pain. This is caused due to vitiated Vaata.
According to Vaagbhat`a, Vaata dominated Dosha harbor in to the Danta and Danta Moola. They dry out Majjaa causing porosity in the tooth. In this cavity, food gets filled. When this food putrefies, there is formation of Krimi. There is pacification of S`hoola suddenly without any cause. There is Samrambha and teeth are loosened. The colour of the teeth becomes Asita. The Krimi is called as Praloona. There is secretion of Pooya and Rakta. This is called as KrimiDantaka.
Teeth cannot tolerate cold and hot touch. This is caused due to Vaayu.
As per Vaagbhat`a, teeth cannot tolerate Pravaata, Amla (sour), cold, anything that is difficult to break by teeth. Due to sour things, there is manifestation of pain and teeth get loosened.
There is splitting of teeth. The mouth becomes Vakra. There is severe pain. This is cause due to Kapha and Vaata.
When tartar of the teeth becomes stable on the teeth this causes derangement of the functions of the teeth.
According to Vaagbhat`a, there is S`hoshan`a of Kapha by Vaayu on Danta. It gives foul smell.
When the coverings of the tooth, are separated, it is called as Kapaalikaa. It leads to the end of the teeth.
When a tooth is completely blackened due to Pitta and Rakta, it is called as S`hyaavadantaka.
Vaagbhat`a has added Vaata Prakopa in the pathogenesis.
Due to Vaayu, when mandible joint is loosened, then it is called as Hanumoksha. This manifests with the symptoms of Ardita.
There is Toda, Bheda, Ruk and Sput`ana.
As the Teeth are loosened, when a person eats there is pain.
There is gaping of the teeth.
Jihvaagata Roga:
These are the diseases related to tongue.
It is of three types –
- Vaataja
- Pittaja
- Kaphaja
Vaataja Jihvaakan`t`aka:
Tongue gets shattered, numbed. It appears like the leaf of S`haaka (Tectona grandis)
Pittaja Jihvaakan`t`aka:
Tongue becomes yellow. It appears as if it is burned out. It becomes thorny and red coloured.
Kaphaja Jihvaakan`t`aka:
Tongue becomes heavy, dense (Bahala). There are thorny eruptions of muscular thorns like thorns of S`haalmalee (Salmalia malabarica).
There is oedema at the root of the tongue. This oedema is severe. It is caused due to the vitiation of Kapha and Rakta. At the end there is suppuration of the root of the tongue.
According to Vaagbhat`a, it is caused due to Kapha and Pitta. The oedema is manifested on the lower side of the tongue. It causes JihvaaStambha. There is foul smell (Matsya Gandha) when it is suppurated. It ultimately leads to the shattering of the Maamsa (Maamsa S`haatana)
The oedema manifests on the tip of the tongue. This is caused due to Kapha and Rakta Dusht`i.
There is Praseka, Kan`d`oo, Paridaaha on the tongue.
As per Vaagbhat`a, it is same as of Adhijihva but manifested on the upper side of the tongue.
At the Prabandhana of the Jihvaa, S`hotha gets manifested. It appears as if it is on the tip of the tongue. There is muscular growth. It is caused due to Kapha, Pitta and Rakta. There is Laalaasraava, Ushaa and Daaha. Tongue becomes rough. There is Kan`d`oo also.
Taalugata Roga
These are the diseases related to the palate.
Due to vitiation of Kapha and Rakta, the oedema is manifested from the root of the Taalu, like inflated Basti (Matsya Basti – Vaagbhat`a). There is S`hvaasa, Kaasa, Trishn`aa. This is called as Galas`hun`d`ee (Kan`t`ha S`hun`d`ee)
This isoedemaof Taalu which is large. There is Daaha, Paaka and Toda. This is caused due to Kapha and Rakta Dusht`i.
Steady and red coloured oedemaon the Taalu which manifests with Vedanaa (pain) and Jvara. This is caused due to Rakta Dusht`i.
This manifests very slowly. There is no pain. S`hotha resembles to the back of tortoise (Koormavat). This is caused due to Kapha Dusht`i.
The S`hotha resembles to Padma and is caused due to Rakta Dusht`i.
Kapha vitiates Maamsa causing oedema in the Taalu, which is painless called as MaamsaSanghaata.
It is a S`hopha in shape of Kola (Zizipus jujuba). It is painless. It is stable. It is caused due to vitiation of Kapha and Meda.
Taalu S`hosha|
Taalu gets dried up and thus there is splitting of Taalu. There is S`hvaasa also. It is caused due to Vaata and Pitta Dusht`i.
Due to vitiation of Pitta, there is severe suppuration of Taalu called as TaaluPaaka.
Taalu Pit`ikaa
In the muscular tissue of the palate, there is manifestation of Pit`ikaa. There is pain also. It is rough to touch. These Pit`ikaa are more in number. They are dense and with secretions. This is Taalu Pit`ikaa.
When there is formation of dense Maamsa in the Taalu, it is called as Taalu Samhati.
Kan`t`hagata Roga
These are the diseases related to Kan`t`ha (throat)
In the throat all the three Dosha and Rakta, singly or simultaneously, cause vitiation of Maamsa. It causes obstruction of the throat. There is manifestation of muscular outgrowths. This is a serious disease and may lead to death.It is of 5 types
- Vaataja
- Pittaja
- Kaphaja
- Saannipaatika
- Raktaja
Vaataja Rohin`ee
There is pain all over the tongue. Muscular outgrowths cause obstruction of the throat. This is Vaataja Rohin`ee. It causes complications due to Vaata vitiation.
Pittaja Rohin`ee
This type of Rohin`ee manifests very quickly. There is suppuration of Rohin`ee. There is Teevra Jvara (high grade fever). This is caused due to vitiation of Pitta.
Kaphaja Rohin`ee
It causes obstruction. It suppurates very slowly. It is steady and heavy. It is caused due to vitiation of Kapha.
Saannipaatika Rohin`ee
This is Asaadhya. It suppurates deeply. It is caused due to vitiation of all the three Dosha.
Raktaja Rohin`ee
It manifests with Sphot`a (blisters) and symptoms same as of Pittaja Rohin`ee. This is also Asaadhya.
Kan`t`ha S`haalooka
This is caused due to vitiated Kapha. This is a glandular growth in the Gala (Kan`t`ha). It is Khara, Sthira and can be cured by use of S`hastra. It is Kan`t`haS`haalooka. It is in shape of seed of Kola.
There is S`hopha at the tip of the tongue due to vitiation of Kapha and Rakta. It is Asaadhya, if it is suppurated.
Kapha causes wide and elevated S`hotha causing obstruction of the Annavaha Srotas. This is Valaya, which is Asaadhya.|
According to Vaagbhat`a, there is less pain.
Aggravated Kapha and Rakta cause S`hopha in the Gala resulting S`hvaasa and Rujaa (pain). There is pain in the Marma. It is Krichchhrasaadhya.
S`hotha which is Vritta (circular), Unnata (elevated), with Daaha (burning sensation), with Kan`d`oo (itching), which never suppurates, which is Mridu (soft), Guru (heavy) is called as Ekavrinda. It is caused due to Kapha and Rakta.
In Vrinda, there is Teevra Daaha. There is severe Jvara. This is caused due to Pitta and Rakta Prakopa.
As per Vaagbhat`a, it is manifested at the side of Gala. There is Daaha and Jvara.
Due to muscular growth in shape of Varti, it obstructs Kan`t`ha. It causes different types of pains. This is Asaadhya and caused due to all the three Dosha.
This is a Granthi in shape of seed of Aamalakee. It is steady and with relatively less pain. It is caused due to Kapha and Rakta vitiation. It is S`hastra Saadhya.
As per Vaagbhat`a, it may form due to single or two or all the three Dosha. There is difficulty in S`hvasana (respiration). The root of it is wide.
This S`hotha manifests all over the throat. There is pain also. It is caused due to all the three Dosha. It resembles to Saannipaatika Vidradhi.
This is big oedema, which obstructs food and water being entered in to the digestive tract. There is high-grade fever (Teevra Jvara). This is caused due to Kapha and Rakta Dusht`i called as Galaugha.
Here patient suffers from TamaPraves`ha and S`hvaasa. Svara is broken (Bhinna Svara). Throat gets dried. There is Kapha Upadigdhataa (coating of Kapha) on the channel carrying Vaayu. This is Svaraghna.
As per Vaagbhat`a, it is Svarahaa.
S`hotha which is wide (like Prataana) causing obstruction of the Kan`t`ha. It hangs in the throat. This is caused due to all the three Dosha. It is Asaadhya.
S`hotha with Daaha, Toda manifests with blood and pus where the Maamsa is shattered. This is caused due to Pitta. This manifests on that side by which patient sleeps more.
This manifests on the joint of the Hanu. It resembles to the fruit of Kaarpaasee (Gossypium herbacium). It is sticky. There is mild pain. It is hard to touch.
At the end of the tongue and at the start of the Kan`t`ha, there is manifestation of the S`hotha due to vitiation of all the three Dosha. It is red coloured, steady and without pain.
This is described separately elsewhere.
It is of three types –
- Vaataja
- Kaphaja
- Medoja
Sarva Mukharoga (Sarvasara)
These are the diseases, which manifest all over the mouth.
Sarvasara is also called as Mukhapaaka.
This manifest with Sphot`a, Toda; this is Vaataja Sarvasara.
It is caused due to Rakta. There is Daaha. Mukha becomes yellow coloured. This is Pittaja Sarvasara.
There is Kan`d`oo, Alpa Rujaa in Kaphaja Sarvasara.
Raktaja Sarvasara:
This is caused due to Rakta and Pitta. It is Raktaja Sarvasara.
Inside the mouth (cheek), there is manifestation of grey and white coloured Arbuda. If it is manipulated by any way, it gets increased.
There is foul smell to the mouth caused due to the Dosha.
Vaayu obstructed in the downward channel due to Ars`ha, Gulma etc. traverses upward causing bad smell to mouth; this is called as OordhvaGuda.
Saannipaatika Sarvasara:
It manifests with all the symptoms of Dosha types.
Vyaadhi Galagan`d`a
C. Su.18, C. Chi.12, S. Ni.11, M. Ni. 38
Yasya S`hleshmaa Prakupito Galabaahye Avatisht`hate |
S`hanaih Sanjanayet S`hopham Galagan`d`o Asya Jaayate || C. Su. 18/21
Nibaddha S`hvayathuh Yasya Mushkavat Lambate Gale |
Mahaan vaa Yadi Hrasco Galagan`d`am TamAadis`het ||
S.Ni. 11/29; M. Ni. 38/1
Mahaantam S`hopham Alpam vaa Hanu Manyaa Gala Aas`hrayam |
Lambantam Mushkavad Drisht`vaa Galagan`d`am Vinirdis`het || S.Ni. 11/29 D`alhan`a (Bhoja Quotation); M. Ni. 38/1 Madhukos`ha
Galagan`d`a is an S`hopha which manifests on the Hanu, Manyaa and Gala and which hangs down like scrotum. Galagan`d`a is Asaadhya, when associated with Peenasa, Paars`hvas`hoola, Kaasa, Jvara, Chhardi. When aggravated Kapha harbours outside Gala causing oedema it is called as Galagan`d`a.
Aggravated Vaata and Kapha harbour in the Gala and spread in the Manyaa. Meda Dhaatu is also gets aggravated.
Kapha and Vaata both are the causative Dosha of Galagan`d`a.
There is no involvement of Pitta Dosha in Galagan`d`a.
- Vaataja
- Kaphaja
- Medoja
- Toda
- Krishn`a siraanavaddha: There is black colored vessels on Galagan`d`a.
- It is Krishn`a or Arun`a.
- When Vaataja Galagan`d`a associated with Medas, it is bulky.
- With due course of time, it becomes unctuous.
- There is no pain.
- It grows very slowly
- It does not suppurate
- It may suppurate due to Yadrichchhaa.
- It is Sthira.
- It resembles to the color of Kapha.
- There is relatively less pain.
- There is severe itching.
- It is cold to touch.
- It grows very slowly.
- It suppurates very slowly.
- There is relatively less pain.
- It is Snigdha, Mridu, Paan`d`u.
- It has foul smell.
- There is no pain.
- There is severe itching.
- It hangs down like Alaabu (Bottle Groud)
- It has small root.
- Asaadhya Criteria
- Krichchhra S`hvasana
- Mridu Gaatratva
- Samvatsaraateeta after one year
- Arochakaanvita
- Ksheen`a
- Bhinna Svara
Last updated on March 30th, 2021 at 09:55 am