C. Su. 21/20-21, S. Su.15/32, A. H. Su.14/21, A. H. Su.14/ 36, N.R. Medoroga
Sthaulya is the condition in which vitiation of Meda Dhaatu occurs and increases in the amount. Sus`hruta explained Sthaulya as Rasa Nimittaja where Charaka mentioned it as Medo Dusht`ijanya Vyaadhi. It is further explained as Medoroga in later Classics like Maadhava Nidaana. Sthaulya is stated to be worse than Kaars`hya to treat because of Viruddhopakrama.
Saamaanya Chikitsaa:
- Utpattihetu Parihaara : – The factors which are responsible for Sthaulya are to be avoided.
- Guru + Apatarpan`a Dravya Upayoga : – The medicines as well as food should possess the properties Guru and Apatarpan`a. Guru Dravya helps in treating Agni while at the same time due to Apatarpan`a property it reduces excessive Meda (Agnim Yaapayati, Medo Hanti ).
- The medicines, diet and all the measures which are Vaatghna, Kaphaghna and Medohara should be used. Basti with drugs having Teekshn`a and Rooksha properties, Lekhana Basti and Rooksha Udvartana should be administered.
- (C.Su.21/21)
- Following Vihaara_s should be adopted for Sthaulya treatment Prajaagaran`a, Vyaayaama, Vyavaaya, Chintaa. All these Vihaara should be adopted and their intensity should be increased gradually. (C.Su.21/28)
- The drugs having Virookshan`a and Chchhedana properties are indicated in Sthaulya treatment.
- Rasa – Kat`u, Tikta, Kashaaya
- Gun`a – Rooksha
- S`hooka – Yava, Puraan`a S`haalee, Ven`u Yava, Koradoosha, S`hyaamaaka, Neevaara
- S`haaka – Dagdha Vaartaaka Phala, Patrottha S`haaka
- S`himbee – Kulattha, Chana`ka, Masoora, Mudga, Aad`hakee,
- Maamsa – Chingat`a Matsya
- Dugdha – Takra
- Drava – Madya, Sarshapa Taila, Bibheetaka Taila
- Kritaanna – Bharitraka, Pippalyaadi Kashaaya Siddha Aahaara.
- Other – Triphalaa, Trikat`u, Elaa, Madhu, Laaja, Gugguala, Loha Bhasma, Priyangu Choorn`a, Kshaara, S`hilaajeeta, Agaroo Lepa, Koshn`a Jala, Chinta, Shrama, Jaagaran`a, Maithuna, Udvartana, Langhana, Rechana, Vamana
- Rasa – Madhura
- Gun`a – Sugandha
- Dhaanya – Godhuma,Nava S`haalee
- S`himbee – Maasha
- Maamsa – Matsya,
- Dugdha – Dugdha, Dugdhjanya Padaartha
- Phala – Ikshu
- Other – Ikshu Vikritee, S`harkaraa, Gud`a, Bhojana Sauhitya, S`hirahsnaana, Svedana, Divaasvaapa, Vamana
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- VyaadhiSthaulya
- Karma Lekhana
Last updated on February 19th, 2021 at 11:48 am