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C. Su.21, S.Su.15, A.H.Su.14

It is one of the conditions in Asht`a Nindita Vyaadhi (eight reproached or defamed diseases), which provide the base for number of other diseases.


It is a Rasapradoshaja Vikaara.

Hetu of Kaars`hya:

  1. Langhana
  2. Rooksha Anna / Paana
  3. Pramitaas`hana
  4. Kriyaatiyoga (Excessive cleansing procedures)
  5. S`hoka
  6. VegaNigraha
  7. Nidraa Nigraha
  8. Rooksha Udvartana
  9. Snaana Abhyaasa
  10. Prakriti
  11. Jaraa
  12. Vikaara Anus`haya (as a consequence of a disease)
  13. Krodha


  1. The causative factors are responsible for the Vaata Prakopa in manifestation of Kaars`hya.
  2. Due to causative factors like Ati Vyaayaama etc., Rasa Dhaatu dries up; therefore next Dhaatu could not get the nourishment.
  3. Therefore, there is emaciation of the Dhaatu.
  4. Eventually, a person suffers from KshudhaaPipaasaaS`heetaUshn`a.
  5. As the person is debilitated, there is high risk of the diseases. Generally, an emaciated person suffers from Vaata Vikaara and Alpa Praan`a (gets weakened) also.

Characteristic of Kris`ha person:

  1. S`hushka Udara
  2. S`hushka Greevaa
  3. Dhamanee Jaala Santata
  4. Tvak S`hesha
  5. Asthi S`hesha
  6. Sthoola Parva
  7. Ati Kris`ha
  8. S`hushka Sphik

Kris`ha (emaciated) person can not tolerate

  1. Vyaayaama
  2. Atisauhitya
  3. Kshudhaa
  4. Pipaasaa
  5. Vikaara
  6. Aushadha
  7. Ati S`heeta
  8. Ati Ushn`a
  9. Ati Maithuna

An emaciated person is prone to following diseases.

  1. Kaasa
  2. Pleehaa
  3. Kshaya
  4. S`hvaasa
  5. Gulma
  6. Ars`ha
  7. Udara
  8. Grahan`ee

Last updated on February 10th, 2021 at 10:11 am

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