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S`hukra Dusht`i

C. Chi.30, S. Sha.2, S. Su 15, A.H. Sha.1

S`hukra Dusht`i is the defilement or depravity in the S`hukra Dhaatu.

Dosha singly or collectively enter in to the Retovahaa Siraa. This causes defilement or depravity in the S`hukra Dhaatu.

Types of S`hukradosha

S`hukradosha Dosha Associated
Phenila Vaataja 
Tanu Vaataja
Rooksha Vaataja
Vivarn`a Pittaja 
Pooti Pittaja
Pichchhila Kaphaja
Anya Dhaatu Upasamsrisht`a Raktaja 
AvasaadiMaargaavarodhaja i.e. Vaataja

Types of S`hukradusht`i

Vaataja S`hukra Dusht`i
Due to Vaataja S`hukra Dusht`i, the amount of the S`hukra is reduced. It becomes Phenila, Tanu, Rooksha and it is ejaculated with pain and in small quantity.

Pittaja S`hukra Dusht`i
The colour of the S`hukra becomes Neela or Peeta. It becomes very hot to touch. The smell turns to foul smell (Pootigandhi). It gets ejaculated causing burning sensation of the penis.

Kaphaja S`hukra Dusht`i
The route of the ejaculation becomes obstructed. It becomes highly Pichchhila.

Raktaja S`hukra Dusht`i
Due to excessive coitus or trauma or wound (Kshata), the S`hukra comes out with the blood (Rudhiraanvayam).

Avasaadee Rakta Dusht`i
Due to suppression of natural urges, Vaayu obstructs the ejaculatory path of S`hukra. Therefore, it is ejaculated with pain (Krichchhren`a) which is Grathita and Avasaadi. (C. Chi. 30.140-144)

Eight Types of S`hukra Dusht`iaccording to Sus`hruta.

  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Kun`apa
  5. Granthi
  6. Pootipooya
  7. Ksheen`a
  8. Sannipaatja (MootraPureeshaRetas)

It is Krichchhrasaadhya having Vaata Varn`a like Arun`a Krishn`a with Vaataja Vedanaa like Toda Bheda during S`hukrapravritti.

It is Krichchhrasaadhya having Pittaja varn`a like Peeta Neela with Pittaja Vedanaa like Osha Chosha during S`hukrapravritti.

It is Krichchhrasaadhya having Kaphaja Varn`a like S`hukla with Kaphaja Vedanaa like Kan`d`oo etc with Visra gandha during S`hukrapravritti.

It is Krichchhrasaadhya having Raktaja Varn`a with Pittaja Vedanaa like Osha Chosha and excessive Kun`apa gandha during S`hukrapravritti.

Granthibhoota S`hukra
It is Krichchhrasaadhya caused due to Kapha and Vaata.

Pootipooyanibha S`hukra
It is Krichchhrasaadhya caused due to Pitta and Kapha. According to Vaagbhat`a, it is caused due to Rakta and Pitta.

Ksheen`a S`hukra
It is Krichchhrasaadhya caused due to Vaata and Pitta. With al the sympotoms of S`hukrakshaya

It is caused due to Tridosha Dusht`i. because of which S`hukra achieves foul smellwhich resembles to Mootra and Pureesha , this is Asaadhyatype of S`hukardust`i. (Su. Sha.2/4, A. H. Sha. /10)

Last updated on February 12th, 2021 at 07:17 am

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