Dravya | Gunjaa |
General Classification | Udbhija |
Visha | |
Synonyms | Gunjaaphala |
Kaakaadanee | |
Kaakan`antee | |
Kaakan`anteephala | |
Kaakan`antikaa | |
Kubja | |
S`haarngesht`aa | |
S`hvetakat`abhee | |
Uchchat`aa | |
Botanical Name | Abrus precatorius Linn. (Fabaceae) |
Useful Part | Beeja |
Moola | |
Period of Collection | Yathaaritu |
Specific Classification | Audbhid |
Climber | |
Perennial | |
Veerudha | |
Dravya Prakaara | According to Bhaavaprakaas`ha Nighan`t`u it is of two types on the basis of colour of seeds. These are S`hveta and Rakta. Both posses same properties. |
Rasa | Madhura |
Tikta | |
Veerya | S`heeta |
Vipaaka | Madhura |
Gun`a | Rooksha |
S`heeta | |
Karma | Balya |
Kes`hya | |
Vrishya | |
Route of Administration | Abhyantara |
Baahya | |
Indicated in Vyaadhi | Baala Roga –) Graha Roga –) S`heetapootanaa Graha |
Bhrama | |
Jvara | |
Kan`d`oo | |
Krimi Roga | |
Kshudra Roga –) Indralupta | |
Kusht`ha | |
Mada | |
Mukhas`hosha | |
Netra Roga | |
S`hvaasa | |
Trishn`aa (Pipaasaa) | |
Vran`a | |
Effect On Dosha | Pittaghna |
Vaataghna | |
Effect on Srotas | Mootravaha Srotas |
S`hukravaha Srotas | |
Maatraa | 2-4 Mashaka |
S`hodhana | Its S`hodhana can be done by two ways as follows- 1. Boiling the seeds in Kaanjee. 2. Boiling the seeds in Cow\’s Milk follwed by removal of the seed coats and warm water wash. |
Classical Description | Dose of beeja is 1/2 – 1 1/2 rattee, yasht`imadhu abhaave Gunjaa moola is to be taken. According to Sus`hruta Samhitaa it is Moolavisha. |
Other Information | In S`heetapootanaa Graha it should be used to adorn. S`hvetagunjaa is called as S`hvetakat`abhee(Ah.u.5). |
Last updated on April 13th, 2021 at 08:27 am