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C.Su.24, A.H.Ni.6

Mada literally means excitement, drunkenness or hilarity.


  1. When Vaayu harbors in a person whose site of Chetas (Hridaya) is weak, it causes irritation of Mana (Manas Vikshobha). Then there is Sandnyaa Sammoha.
  2. A person who is overpowered by Raja (Maanasa Dosha), Moha (Infatuation) and consumption of unwholesome diet gets suffered from Mada, Moorhchhaa and Sannyaasa.
  3. The pathogenesis involves Srotorodha (Blockage) of channels carrying Rasa, Asrik (Rakta), Chetanaa (Consciousness).

Raktavaha, Rasavaha, Sandnyaavaha Srotasa gets overflowed by Dosha. In this situation, a person consuming Malina Aahaara, who is afflicted by Raja (Maanasa Dosha) and Moha; these Dosha get stagnated causing the diseases like Mada, Moorchchhaa and Sannyaasa. These are serious diseases successively.

Types of Mada:

NoCharaka SamhitaaAsht`aanga Hridaya

        Vaataja Mada:
The patient becomes Rooksha, S`hyaava, Arun`a. The movements become irregular.

        Pittaja Meda:
Patient becomes angry and makes arguments. He looks yellowish red. According to Charaka, there is dark complexion of the patient.

        Kaphaja Mada:
Patient speaks less and oriented. He looks whitish and stares for longer period (Dhyaana).

        Saannipaatika Mada:
All the symptoms of three Dosha appear in this Saanipaatika Mada.

        Raktaja Mada:
In Raktaja Mada, the symptoms manifested are same as of Pittaja Mada. There is rigidity in body parts and eyes.

        Madyaja Mada:
Due to consumption of Madya, patient gives irregular / transformed behavior (Vikrita Ihaa). Mada due to Madya, manifests and pacifies quickly.

        Vishaja Mada:
Mada due to Visha manifests with KampaAtinidraa (excessive sleep). This type of Mada is severe of all the types of Mada.

According to Charaka Samhitaa, Vishaja, Madyaja and Raktaja Mada are caused due to Dosha only; so Charaka Samhitaa does not count them differently.

Last updated on February 10th, 2021 at 11:24 am

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