Dravya | Kupilu |
General Classification | Udbhija |
Synonyms | Kulaka |
Botanical Name | Strychnos nux-vomica Linn. (Loganiaceae) |
Useful Part | Beeja |
Period of Collection | Yathaaritu |
Specific Classification | Audbhid |
Perennial | |
Tree | |
Route of Administration | Abhyantara |
Baahya | |
Rasa | Tikta |
Vipaaka | Kat`u |
Veerya | S`heeta |
Gun`a | Laghu |
Karma | Balya |
Deepana | |
Graahee | |
Maadaka | |
Paachana | |
Vrishya | |
Effect On Dosha | Kaphaghna |
Pittaghna | |
Vaatakara | |
Effect On Dhaatu | Rakta Dusht`ighna |
Effect on Srotas | Annavaha Srotas |
Manovaha Srotas | |
Mootravaha Srotas | |
Pureeshavaha Srotas | |
Raktavaha Srotas | |
Indicated in Vyaadhi | S`hoola |
Vaatavyaadhi | |
Maatraa | 1\2-2 Ratti (1 Ratti:- 125 Mg) |
S`hodhana | For S`hodhana of Beeja[Bhaavaprakaas`ha]-1]-Impress the Beeja[Seeds] in Gomootra[Cow`s urine] for seven days.2]-Remove the cover of the seeds. 3]-Then boil it in cow`s milk. 4]-The fry it in cow`s ghee. 5]-This will give pure Kupilu.Then make Choorn`a of it for use. |
Adverse Effects | If it is used in impure condition or in high doses it produces Convulsions, increase in reflexes, Spasm of muscles, Breathlessness and Death. |
Antidote | Ahiphena |
Belaadona | |
Coal Powder | |
Dugdha + Aamagarbha (White Portion Of Egg) | |
Karpoora | |
Potassium Permanganate | |
Taamboola Patra | |
Other Information | The antidote medicines are used after S`hodhana (Vamana or Stomatch Wash either of these). |
Last updated on April 12th, 2021 at 10:34 am