C.Chi.30, S.Ni.12-14, S.U.38, A.H.U.33, M.N.63
Guhya Roga are the diseases which are manifested on the external genitalia of the male and female. S`hooka Dosha of Sus`hruta has been considered under Guhya Roga by Vaagbhat`a. S`hooka Dosha is the injurious effect of using an insect (S`hooka) for penile enlargement.
Su.Ni.12,13,14. U.38, C.Chi.30, A.H.U.33, M.N.47
It is one of venereal diseases caused due to trauma on the genital organs, uncleanness, Yoni Pradosha. According to Sus`hruta, S`hopha on the penis with or without wound is called Upadams`ha. In D`alhan`as commentary, it has been stated that Upadams`ha is seen in both males and females.
Vaagbhat`a has described Upadams`ha and under Guhya Roga.
Dams`hanopaadhimantaren`aapi Rood`haa Boddhavyaa | M. N. 47 Madhukos`ha
Tam S`hvayathum Upadams`hamupasams`ham Iti Aachakshate Iti Anena S`hisnagata S`hopha Dams`hanopaadhimantaren`a api sanketa Maatren`a Eva Upadams`ha iti Uchyate | Si. Ni. 12.7 Gayadaasa.
- Vitiated Dosha traverse to the genital organs.
- They cause local oedema.
- Disease gets manifested.
5 types of Upadams`ha are explained by Maadhava Nidaana in the 47th chapter.
- Vaataja
- Pittaja
- Kaphaja
- Raktaja
- Saannipaatika
Vaataja Upadams`ha
There are black coloured blisters (Krishn`a Sphot`a) with Toda, Bheda, Sphuran`a.
According to Sus`hruta, there is Parushataa, Tvak Sphut`anam, Stabdha Med`hrataa, and different Vaata Vedanaa.
Pittaja Upadams`ha
Symptoms are Daaha and yellow coloured secretions. According to Sus`hruta, there is Jvara. It resembles Pakva Udumbara. It suppurates quickly. There are different Pitta Vedanaa.
Kaphaja Upadams`ha
Symptoms are Kan`d`oo, S`hotha. There are thick (Ghana) Kaphaja Sraava (secretions). According to Sus`hruta, there is S`hopha, Kan`d`oo. The Oedema is hard. It is Snigdha and there are different Kapha Vedanaa.
Raktaja Upadams`ha
In Raktaja Upadams`ha there are copper coloured (Madhukos`ha) blisters (Pis`hitaavabhaasee Sphot`a) with bloody secretions. It manifests in the symptoms of the Pitta. According to Sus`hruta, there are black coloured blisters. There is blood secretion. There are more Pitta Symptoms, Jvara and Daaha and S`hosha. It is Yaapya.
Sannipaataja Upadams`ha
There are different types of secretions and pains. According to Sus`hruta, there is Krimi Praadurbhaava (formation of maggots). It is Asaadhya. It is Asaadhya.
Asaadhya Criteria
If it is not treated immediately, then it kills the patient by manifesting S`hotha, Krimi, Daaha, Paaka after shattering of the penis. If following conditions are present, disease become incurable.
- Vis`heern`a Maamsa
- Krimibhih Prajagdha
- Mushkaavas`hesha
Lingaars`ha / Linga Varti
There is muscular growth on the penis like the Taamra Chood`a (Chicken Crown). It is formed at the joint of the Med`hra (penis) and Med`hra Randhra. It is Tridoshaja.
Main symptoms are pain, sticky secretions. It is difficult to treat (Krichchhrasaadhya)
Last updated on February 9th, 2021 at 10:38 am