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Daaha Chikitsaa

S.U.47, B.R.23

Daaha is burning sensation. Many of the times this is manifested as one of the signs of some disease, while sometimes found as major disease. There it requires separate treatment. As per the root cause it is classified in to respective sub types and treated accordingly.

Saamaanya Chikitsaa:
The treatment which is indicated in Pittaja Jvara associated with Daaha is also indicated in Daaha. The Chikitsaa should be of S`heeta Gun`a.

Vis`hesha Chikitsaa:

Raktaja Daaha
– Langhana
– Samsarjana Krama
If no relief
– S`haakhaagata Siraavyadha (After Jaangala Maamsarasa Sevana)

Trishn`aanirodhaja Daaha
– Madhura, S`heeta,
– Snigdha Aahaara
– S`heeta Vihaara
– Treatment similar to Pittaja Jvara

Raktapoorn`akosht`ha Daaha
Treatment similar to Sadyovran`a

Dhaatukshayaja Daaha
Raktapitta Chikitsaa
Snigdha Vaataghna Chikitsaa

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Vyaadhi Daaha
Karma Daaha Pras`hamana
Veerya S`heeta
Effecton Dosha Pittaghna

Last updated on February 16th, 2021 at 09:42 am

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