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Chikitsaa Prakaara: Bandha

Prakaara Paribhaashaa:
Bandaging the wound is termed as Bandha.

Types of Bandha(S.Su.18)


1Kos`ha BandhaAngusht`a and Anguliparva
2Daama BandhaSambaadhaanga
3Svasthika BandhaSandhi, Koorcha, Bhroo,Stanaantara, Hasta Tala,Paada Tala and Karn`a
4Anuvellita BandhaS`haaka
5Pratoli BandhaGreeva and Med`ra
6Man`d`alaBandhaTo Vrutta Anga
7Sthagikaa BandhaAgra Bhaaga of Angusht`a, Anguleeand Med`ra
8Yamaka BandhaIn Presence of two Vran`a
9Kat`vaa BandhaHanu, S`hankha and Gan`d`a Pradesha
10Cheena BandhaApaanga Pradesha
11Vibandha BandhaPrusht`a, Udara and Urah Pradesha
12Vitaana BandhaMoordha Pradesha
13Gophan`aa BandhaChibuka, Naasa, Osht`a, Amsa andBasti Pradesha
14Panchaangee BandhaOordhvajatru
15Utsanga BandhaBaahu Pradesha


Gaad`ha Bandha The bandage which presses the body part but prevents pain is called as Gaad`ha Bandha.

S`hithila Bandha The bandage which allows easy respiration and mobility and which is loose is called as S`hithila Bandha.

Sama Bandha The bandage which is neither securelike Gaad`ha Bandha and nor loose like S`hithila Bandha is called as Sama Bandha.

Gaad`haSphik, Kukshi, Kakshaa, Vankshan`a, Uru, S`hiraKaphavaata dominance
S`hithilaNetra, SandhiPittarakta dominance
SamaS`haakhaa, Vadana, Karn`a, Med`hra, Mushka, Prisht`ha, Paars`hva, Udara, UraVaatapitta and Kaphapitta dominance

Bandha should be changed on the third day after S`hastrakarma. After that it should be changed considering the following points-

Bandha should be changed afterRitu / MonthDosha
Two dayHemanta, S`his`hira, Vasanta 
One dayS`harada, Greeshma, Varshaa 
Twice a dayS`harada, Greeshma, VarshaaPitta dominance, Raktadominance
One dayVais`haakha 
Twice a dayVais`haakha, GreeshmaPitta dominance
One dayHemanta, VasantaVaata Pitta dominance
One day Pitta dominance
One dayHemanta, VasantaPitta Kapha dominance
Morning onceS`harada, Greeshma 
Evening onceVarshaa 

Chikitsaa Karma (Benefits):
The medicine of Aalepa etc is held in one place.
Prevents excessive mobilization at the site of wound.
Stops bleeding.
Stops spreading of Visha in Dams`ha.
Prevents wound from trauma.
Prevents wound from Maakshikaa (flies).

Last updated on March 2nd, 2021 at 07:43 am

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